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    Title: 從營運模式策略探討壽險業之經營 - 以保德信人壽為例
    On managing life insurance business: a business model driven growth strategy - the case of Prudential Life insurance company of Taiwan inc.
    Authors: 蘇幸玲
    Contributors: 王儷玲
    Keywords: 保德信人壽
    Prudential Life Insurance Company of Taiwan
    Business model
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 01:58:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣壽險業自1987年開放美商進入市場,及1993年開放國人設立保險公司後,產業蓬勃發展,截至今年止,已有逾30家壽險公司,競爭激烈。在此競爭的情況下,如何開創公司的藍海,避免在紅海裡廝殺,公司的營運模式策略將會影響公司未來的發展;且因壽險商品本就屬不具專利權的金融商品,同業間商品的模仿甚易,再加上金融產業疆界日益模糊,跨業交叉銷售成為一新趨勢,故壽險公司之競爭大部份決定於公司的營運模式的選擇與發展。另,就以LIMRA在2003年對美國壽險公司CEO的調查中顯示 ,該調查的最高管理階層認為,其未來工作中面臨四項最大的挑戰,其中營運模式、通路發展即為其中之一,可見該要素對現今公司策略的重要性。




    Since its opening up to American insurers in 1987 and then to private domestic insurers in 1993, the Taiwan life insurance industry has thrived and now consists of more than 30 firms engaged in fierce competition. Given such a competitive market, it is crucial to develop blue ocean strategies and avoid price wars. Business strategies and corresponding business models will have an important impact on the future of a firm. As life insurance is not a patented financial product, it is very vulnerable to imitation by other firms. Moreover, the boundaries of the financial sector are becoming less defined and cross-industry selling is the latest trend. As a result, competition among life insurers is mainly determined by the selection and development of business models. According to a 2003 survey conducted by LIMRA on CEOs of American life insurers, management at the highest level believed that business models and distribution channel development would be the greatest challenges for them in the future, highlighting the importance of these factors on companies’ strategy.

    Therefore, the selection of business strategies and models has a real impact on the current and future performance of a firm and reflect its potential for sustainable development. The life insurance industry is in the business of offering long-term risk protection, providing the insured with financial security and peace of mind. How life insurance companies can focus on keeping their promises to clients over the long term, as opposed to simply seeking short terms gains, is a subject worth considering.

    This study will analyze the current state and development of the domestic life insurance market and summarize the business models presently employed. A case study of Prudential Life Insurance Company of Taiwan will further provide an analysis of its business model and performance. A comparison is made between the case study and other firms, including TransGlobe and New York Life Insurance Taiwan, and with respect to the impact of the financial crisis in order to discuss individual performance under different business models and propose optimal business models for life insurers.

    Keywords: Prudential Life Insurance Company of Taiwan, Lifeplanner, Business model,
    第一章 緒 論
    第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………9
    第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………10
    第三節 研究方法……………………………………………………10

    第二章 文獻回顧與架構
    第一節 文獻回顧……………………………………………………11
    第二節 章節架構……………………………………………………14

    第三章 台灣壽險業之發展現況
    第一節 台灣壽險產業發展…………………………………………16
    第二節 台灣壽險產業業務現況……………………………………22
    第三節 台灣壽險產業營運模式……………………………………31

    第四章 個案研究—保德信國際人壽保險股份有限公司
    第一節 保德信金融集團介紹………………………………………36
    第二節 保德信國際人壽保險股份有限公司介紹…………………40
    第三節 個案公司經營理念、策略…………………………………46
    第四節 個案公司業務模式…………………………………………50
    第五節 個案公司經營現況…………………………………………52

    第五章 個案公司與其他公司之比較
    第一節 壽險公司業務經營指標……………………………………59
    第二節 個案公司與其他公司業務經營指標之比較………………62
    第三節 金融海嘯對個案公司與其他公司之影響…………………69

    第六章 結論與建議
    第一節 結論…………………………………………………………75
    第二節 建議…………………………………………………………79

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    5. William M. Pride & O.C. Ferrel,Marketing:Basic Concepts and Decisions,(Boston:Houghton Mifflin Co.,1985),p9
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932257
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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