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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/48996
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    Title: 設計本位研究之個案:以數位化人文學習之教材設計為例
    A case study of design-based research for evaluation of instructional design in E-humanities learning
    Authors: 賴昌彥
    Contributors: 劉文卿
    Keywords: 教材設計
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 01:54:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 傳統E-Learning一直存在學習教材不足的問題。然而,隨著多媒體資訊爆炸時代來臨,有愈來愈多的教育資源可開放使用,再加上資通訊技術不斷創新演進,將不斷改變知識呈現的方式。
    本篇論文透過相關文獻探討,提出整合不同學習資源以解決多媒體教材不足的問題。文中以「歷史文學」通識課程為例,分析如何有效地建構輔助教材以支援學習活動。除了從教材設計及學習支援的角度上來分析,研究中更使用Design-Based Research,透過設計不同學習情境來了解教材偏好之議題。
    在實作中不但使用 text mining 的技術,也整合了 GIS (Geographic Information System) 提供更創新的互動方式。此外,透過問卷來收集參與師生之使用心得及意見回饋,實際了解學生對教材設計的偏好程度。
    With the different impact of instructions design, such as open educational resources, multimedia explosion and innovative ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), it offers a possible clue in exploiting from new forms of interaction and knowledge sharing in the Web 2.0 Age. This thesis argues that traditional learning issues in the lack of online multimedia instructions could be solved by integrating various multimedia learning resources, for example in General Education and other learning areas. Therefore, a framework of composing learning contents from the analysis of multimedia learning evolution is presented. By proposing an innovated framework and an analysis of different granularity in learning contents, ontology illustrations and examples in OWL (Web Ontology Language) are discussed.
    Since the Design-Based Research can help to understand the learning phenomena through developing different kinds of learning materials. We base on the approach of Design-Based Research to evaluate e-Learning presentations and link up the prototype implementation with research objects. The study tries to present some of the problems arising when ICTs are integrated into learning environment and to provide suggestions of how to deal with the problems. Some questionnaires are designed, and it is applied to collect feedbacks of learners and as a suggestion of improving learning instruction.
    In sum, this experiment provides empirical evidence that shows that, in a general education class for community university students, presenting a material with GIS (Geographic Information System) platform is more attractive than presenting the text contents together with the picture or only the text. The results indicate that a vivid presentation can help students to understand the conveyed concept. While ICTs play an important role in facilitating learning materials, cognitive load issue is so important that should be taken into account seriously. As a result, instructional designers have come to recognize the real need for multimedia instruction from our findings and take care of multiple presentations that are sensitive to cognitive load. Finally, we mainly address that the logistic of General Education must rethink under the innovative concept and the help of ICTs.
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