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Title: | 以顧客知識管理提升顧客終身價值效益之研究-以記憶體模組產業P公司為例 The research of customer knowledge management to promote the benefit of customer lifetime value: using the P company of DRAM module industry |
Authors: | 李宗曄 Lee,tsung yeh |
Contributors: | 季延平 李宗曄 Lee,tsung yeh |
Keywords: | DRAM模組 顧客知識管理 顧客終身價值 DRAM module customer knowledge management customer lifetime value |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:54:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,企業行銷理論從傳統的將注意力放在吸引新顧客上,轉而變成留意舊顧客的維持,如何留住舊顧客,進而從舊顧客中找出具有高價值的顧客,與他們建立長期且有獲利性的關係,則是近年來企業營運及行銷關注的焦點。
本研究透過次級資料收集與分析,以產業分析架構來了解DRAM模組產業現況及趨勢,並以Cambell顧客知識能力模型及SWOT 分析等策略理論將資料作歸納與整理,最後以深度訪談方式來加強或修正次級資料所得到之結論,得出適合個案公司之終端顧客之顧客知識管理作業流程及資料模型,以做為建議企業營運發展策略之參考。
最後,以資料庫結構面、企業流程面、顧客關係管理面及顧客知識管理面四個構面來歸納總結研究。導入顧客知識管理與顧客終身價值管理流程之目標,在於增進個體戶之顧客滿意度及忠誠度,進而提升整體顧客終身價值,另一方面,除了能提供更完善的顧問及技術諮詢的服務,亦能經由市場區隔之分析,使得產品銷售策略更符合市場需求。 Recently, Business marketing theory is changed to the customer retention.It is important that find out and pay attention to key customers. Enterprises look out for to keep old customer and find out the customer with high value from the old customer.They focus on establishing long-term relation of having profitability with customers.
The research used as an example of P campany in the case study.Based on the benefit of customer knowledge management and customer lifetime value,this study is mainly probed DRAM module industry’s customer ralation management and customer lifetime value .Then, it used customer’s retention degree, customer`s contribution degree and market segmentation to analyse customers’ behavior.
This research collected and analysed through the secondery materials and the analysis was based on industry analysis models such as Cambell’s customer knowledge ability model and the SWOT analysis model to analyze the pros and cons of DRAM industry’s trend and present situation.Then,the study strengthen or revise the conclusion by way of depth interview finally and get ideal end customer knowledge management workflow and data model of end customer ,regard it as the reference of enterprise`s strategy.
Above all, this sudy use four aspect such as database structue、enterprise’s workflow、CRM and CKM to summarize. The purpose of establishing the procedure of customer knowledge management and customer lifetime value is to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty, and then emhance whole customer lifetime value.On the other hand, except to offer better services and consultation, Enterprises also can gain more revenue by market segementation and product position. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 97356034 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097356034 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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