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    Title: 從OEM/ODM到OBM的轉型之研究–動態能力的觀點
    Industrial firms` Transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM: The perspective of dynamic capability
    Authors: 徐伊嫻
    Hsu, I Hsien
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng Shang
    Hsu, I Hsien
    Keywords: 自有品牌
    Own Brand
    Dynamic Capability
    Marketing Capability
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 01:53:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣企業早期主要是扮演協助國際品牌大廠生產代工的角色,隨著廠商不斷地累積本身能力,提升給予客戶的附加價值過程中,台灣企業也由以裝配技術為主的原廠委託製造(Original Equipment Manufacturing,OEM)轉變為具有設計能力的原廠委託設計製造(Original Design Manufacturing,ODM)。但是近年來,台灣的低成本優勢已逐漸被新興市場所取代,加上產業發展成熟後,毛利率持續下探,代工廠商就成為品牌商為了維持獲利而犧牲的對象。因此,產業升級的概念開始受到重視,其中由代工轉型升級至自有品牌一直是產官學界最關注的話題之一。
    Taiwanese industrial firms in the early days played roles as facilitating manufacturers of OEM brands. As the manufacturers continued to accumulate their ability by enhancing the added-value they can provide to customers, they transferred from Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) to Original Design Manufacturing (ODM). However, Taiwan has lost its low cost advantage to emerging markets recently. Also, brand owners edged contract manufacturers’ gross margin lower to maintain their profitability when the industry got matured. Hence, the concept of industrial upgrading began to receive attention, including the transformation from OEM to own brand which is the most concerned topic of government and academia.
    In the past, most researches related to brand management focus on strategic level such as brand development strategy and key success factors, relation between brand and performance, or marketing channel construction which is one of the key success factors to develop own brand. Only small number of study investigates the practical transformation process of industrial firms from OEM/ODM to OBM. Thus, this study majorly focuses on the dynamic constructing process of marketing capability of industrial firms which have transformed from OEM/ODM to OBM successfully and aims to investigate following questions: 1. What are the motivations of industrial firms which decided to transform from OEM/ODM to OBM? 2. How did these firms develop new capability to adapt environment during their transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM?
    The preliminary research findings include:
    1.The motivations of firms which have transformed from OEM/ODM to OBM are sustainable operation and to get rid of OEM dilemma. The purpose behind is to increase added-value of business. Meanwhile, the firm take transformation into consideration when the OEM/ODM business still operates stably.
    2.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM, the way firms develop new ability is affected by their past pathes and operating strategies. They advance organization capability through internal traning and organizational procedures design.
    3.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM, firms emphasize on cultivating “capability of developing new product”, and assign R&D team to take charge of developing critical technology related to future products to maintain their competitive advantage in product and technology.
    4.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM and among activities related to international operations, firms adopt a "regional division of labor and joint development" approach when developing new products, to increase target consumers’ acceptance to new products.
    5.Industrial irms can transform from OEM/ODM to OBM in many ways. Through merge and acquisition, firms can get brands and channels quickly. It is a key to merge and acquisition successfully if the purpose of the firm’s acquisition is clear.
    6.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM, firms’ global headquarters play a role of supervision and management, such as coordinating and integrating resources, also performing assessment; as for acquired brand or channels, local teams are fully authorized to operate in their own decisions.
    第一章 緒論 1
    一、研究動機 1
    二、研究目的與問題 3
    三、研究流程 4
    四、論文架構 5
    第二章 文獻探討 6
    一、企業轉型 6
    (一) 企業轉型之定義 6
    (二) 企業轉型之類型 8
    (三) 企業轉型之動機 10
    (四) 小結 11
    二、代工與自有品牌 12
    (一) 代工議題(OEM/ODM) 12
    (二) 品牌相關議題(OBM) 13
    (三) 小結 18
    三、動態能力 18
    (一) 動態能力理論的發展背景 18
    (二) 動態能力之定義 22
    (三) 動態能力架構 24
    (四) 小結 28
    四、組織能力 29
    (一) 組織能力 29
    (二) 行銷能力 34
    (三) 小結 37
    五、本章小結 37
    第三章 研究方法 40
    一、研究架構 40
    二、研究方法 42
    三、資料蒐集 43
    (一) 初級資料與個案研究對象 43
    (二) 次級資料 45
    四、研究限制 46
    第四章 個案分析 47
    一、個案一 美利達工業 48
    (一) 公司簡介 48
    (二) 轉型動機 51
    (三) 原企業組織管理程序 52
    (四) 原企業專屬資產 53
    (五) 企業發展路徑 55
    (六) 新事業組織管理程序 58
    (七) 新事業專屬資產 63
    二、個案二 喬山健康科技 67
    (一) 公司簡介 67
    (二) 轉型動機 71
    (三) 原企業組織管理程序 71
    (四)原企業專屬資產 72
    (五) 企業發展路徑 73
    (六) 新事業組織管理程序 76
    (七) 新事業專屬資產 80
    三、個案三 成霖企業 84
    (一) 公司簡介 84
    (二) 轉型動機 88
    (三) 原企業組織管理程序 88
    (四) 原企業專屬資產 90
    (五) 企業發展路徑 92
    (六) 新事業組織管理程序 94
    (七) 新事業專屬資產 98
    四、個案彙整 102
    第五章 研究命題與討論 106
    一、轉型動機 106
    二、企業組織管理程序 108
    三、企業資產位置 123
    四、企業發展路徑 124
    第六章 研究結論與建議 129
    一、研究結論 129
    二、實務上的建議 131
    三、後續研究建議 133
    參考文獻 134
    附錄 141
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097359029
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