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Title: | 商管產學合作之關鍵成功因素與績效評估–以文化創意產業為例 Key Success Factors and Performance Evaluation of Managerial industry-university cooperation – A Study of Cultural and Creative Industries |
Authors: | 李天瑟 Lee,tien se |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 Wu,an ne 李天瑟 Lee,tien se |
Keywords: | 產學合作 商管產學合作 關鍵成功因素 績效評估 文化創意產業 industry-university collaboration managerial industry-university collaboration key success factors performance evaluation cultural and creative industries |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:53:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自金融風暴之後,不論是政府或是企業,皆意識到產業結構轉型之重要與迫切性,而產學合作於其中扮演不可或缺之角色。事實上,政府推動產學合作多年,過去產學合作之投入與產出、衍生效益不符,經探究,發現主要原因在於大學研發成果與市場端中間存有缺口(Gap),研究與技術對企業來說不具誘因,中間需要商管知識協助技術之商品化;此外,隨著產業結構之轉型,很大契機來自於商業模式之創新。 然而,過去學術界與實務業皆鮮少談論商管領域之產學合作,成功案例更是少之又少。商管知識相對無形,要執行產學合作勢必有所困難,但是,一旦成功將對企業甚至是社會作出貢獻。 是以,本研究透過文獻回顧探討促成產業界與學術界成功合作之主要因素,以及影響產學合作績效之重要要素,並藉由個案研究組織之分析提出關於商管領域產學合作之關鍵成功要素,作為未來執行商管產學合作之參考。此外,本研究更以關鍵成功因素為基礎,由現行產學合作相關績效評估模式中選取適合之模式,以商管學者於文化創意產業之產學合作為例,探究合作過程中商管學者應有之功能與角色,據以說明績效評估構面與關鍵績效指標應如何訂定,希冀架構一系統化之商管領域產學合作之績效評估模式,驅動更多之商管學者投入產學合作,為台灣產業之突破與創新做出貢獻。 After the financial crisis,both government and enterprises are aware of the importance and urgency of industry structure transformation, and the industry-university collaboration in which plays essential roles. In fact, the government has promoted industry-university collaboration for many years. However, there is a discrepancy in the inputs and outputs of industry-university collaboration. From related researches’, the main problem is the gap between universities’ R & D results and market side. In other words, enterprises have no incentives to buy universities’ research results. Indeed, business and management knowledge can minimum the gap. In addition, with the transformation of industry structure, there’s a huge need for innovation of business model. However, academic and industry rarely talk about the managerial industry-university collaboration. And there are few success cases about it. In fact, managerial knowledge is more invisible than technology. It is difficult to implement managerial industry-university collaboration cases. But, if it succeeds, it will make great contribution to enterprise and industry. Therefore, this research is to explore the key success factors and performance evaluation of industry-university collaboration from literatures review, and to establish the key success factors and performance evaluation of managerial industry-university collaboration by case study. Hope of the research is to provide some guidance for related parties. Moreover, this research takes the key success factors of managerial industry-university collaboration as a basis of building up performance evaluation. Because of a lack of industry-university collaboration in cultural and creative industries, the research explores managerial scholars’ function and role in it, and then designs the structure and index of performance evaluation. The main object of the research is to systematize performance evaluation for managerial scholars in implementing managerial industry-university collaboration cases. Without right performance evaluation, managerial scholars have no incentives to help industry improve and solve practical problems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 97353028 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097353028 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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