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Title: | 報業組織溝通與競爭分析--以中國時報為例 The organizational behavior and competitive analysis:case study of China Times |
Authors: | 楊秀娟 |
Contributors: | 王石番 楊秀娟 |
Keywords: | 組織溝通 競爭力 中國時報 論述理論 拉克勞 報業組織 organizational behavior competitive advantage China Times Discourse theory Laclau The press |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:51:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面臨嚴峻的商業競爭,報業老闆對新聞事業的想像或認知,關乎競爭策略的擬定,競爭策略是否能獲得新聞記者的認同,是報業組織溝通的重要課題,它不但牽涉到報紙生產商品、新聞的內涵,也影響組織整體戰力或競爭力的發揮。
本文採用拉克勞(Laclau & Mouffe)的論述理論(Discourse Theory)架構來觀察組織上下層的溝通行為。溝通是一種語言符號的串連與建構,新聞事業具雙重特質,每日生產的新聞不但與文化、政治領域息息相關,同時也是典型的消費商品。作為一個商業組織,報紙每日面對生存競爭論述,新經營者亟思競爭優勢之建立,另一方面記者這一行也有其歷史形構的新聞專業論述,當這些論述與新的領導者蔡衍明先生相遇,會產生何種溝通樣貌?
如果說組織是一個語言符號的結構體,那麼新中國時報的組織體仍處於一種不完整的、有缺口的半結構狀態,從論述理論的架構而言,就是上下層的組織溝通過程中,始終未產生一強而有力的主導論述,以縫合這缺口。本研究之結論顯示當組織內的論述仍處於衝撞不穩定狀態時,其產出之商品難以建立差異化特色,競爭優勢亦難以建立。 This thesis presents a theoretical model to address the communication behavior and competitive strategy issues in the newspaper industry, where technological changes have greatly increased the scope of competition. Newspaper companies are being confronted with market changes that are destablising successful mature markets, undermining long-term relationships with readers and advertisers, and threatening the sustainability of their business models. The pace of these changes is extraordinary, forcing managers, shareholders, and employees to scramble to comprehend the changes, to develop strategic responses, and to reorganize their activities.
The thesis starts with the case of China Times Daily, which used to be one of the biggest newspapers in Taiwan but sold, in the end of 2008, to a successful businessman of rice cracker, Tsai Eng-Meng. Tsai Eng-Meng, now 53, runs the biggest snack empire in China. Want Want China is now unrivaled in the country’s rice cracker market. It’s not unusual for powerful businesspeople looking to ensure a public outlet for their views to invest in the media. The question is how Tsai Eng-Meng, as the latest entrant into the media market, can manage the newspaper as successful as his cracker business. In divided Taiwan, where pro-China and anti-China groups can’t agree on much, Tsai’s purchase of the China Times sparked worries about free speech in the society and inside China Times as well.
Tsai Eng-Meng does not have an experience or knowledge base of how to operate the press. The employees he needs to communicate with or he needs to “understand” mostly are the reporters with expertise in news industry. They highly praise the values of free speech and impartial reports. These values can be regarded as the most important discourse evolving from the press history. With the analytical framework of Laclau and Mouffe’s Discourse Theory, the communication between Tsai Eng-Meng and the reporters is not smooth. Some events occurring in the first year of Tsai’s management reveals that the confrontation between Tsai and the news department is so harsh that even diminishes competitive advantages of the company. Since the communication behavior in China Times remains unstable, there is not possible to bring a dominant discourse in the organization, which will lead to a bad performance in ways of public opinion and the circulation. |
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