Abstract: | 隨著經濟成長與社會多元化的發展,住宅事務涉及的層面越來越廣泛,惟受制於資源的有限,以及考量現實社會經濟結構狀況,如何引導住宅資源合理有效的配置,以及提出適切的住宅政策與住宅權責機構,便成為現代化都市必須具備的條件。台北市位居台灣首善之區,除了要面對整體環境的變動,更要面對全球都市體系競爭的壓力,因而建立適宜的居住環境成為施政與邁入國際都市之首要工作。本研究基於此理由,研擬訂定台北市的住宅政策綱領與住宅專責機構。 為使台北市的住宅政策綱領與住宅專責機構具有國際化的思維,本研究借鏡紐約、倫敦、東京與香港等先進都市之經驗,以「住者適其屋」作為台北市住宅政策綱領的總目標,並提出活力社區、健全市場、合理補貼、專業政府等四大住宅政策次目標。其中,活力社區以發展社區組織,提昇居住環境品質為努力方向;健全市場著重在交易安全保障與住宅資訊發布;住宅補貼方面進行資源整合與提供多元的住宅補貼選擇,來滿足各類之住宅消費需求;專業政府方面,以建立住宅專責機構、廣闢財源來挹注住宅事務,並在計畫與法制之下建構出台北市未來的理想居住生活家園。 台北市住宅專責機構的規劃方面,短期以「住宅事務委員會」來統合各單位之住宅事務,中長期則以成立「住宅及社區發展局」為目標。住宅專責機構之組織業務執掌共分成五個業務科室,分別是綜合計畫、住宅補貼、住宅市場管理、住宅社區管理、鄰里環境改善與一個住宅服務中心,同時對於國宅處的轉型與整併亦加以考量。 綜上所述,從「住宅事務委員會」過渡到未來的住宅專責機構(住宅及社區發展局),必須積極進行與民意代表及相關主管單位的溝通協調,以及組織業務與人力的調整等事宜,如此方能落實台北市的住宅政策綱領,並達到住者適其屋的居住生活品質。 The housing affairs are getting more and more complicated due to the growth of economic and the diversification of society. However, housing affairs are restricted to the limited resource and have to match up the real situation of social and economic structure. Thus, disposing the housing resources reasonably and efficiently, providing suitable housing policies and establishing a housing authority are essential for modern cities. Taipei the biggest city in Taiwan, not only faces the changes of the whole circumstance but also suffers the pressure of the competition with other global big cities. Therefore?Ain order to become a international city , a primary job for Taipei government is to create a convenient living environment. In short, this research plans to draft the guiding principles of housing policies and gives advices of creating a housing authority. For the sake of international view , this research is based on some developed cities such as New York?ALondon , Tokyo and Hong Kong?Ketc. . ?§Suitable housing for every residents?? is our final target of the guiding principles of Taipei ??s housing policies. Also , four subordinate objectives are provided : vital community?Bwell market?Breasonable subsidy , and specialized government. Among the subordinate objectives , vital community exerts to develop the community organizations and raises the quality of resident environment?Fwell market emphasizes the protection of business transactions and the announcements of resident information?Fhousing subsidy integrates all housing resources and provides diversified choices of housing subsidy to satisfy all kinds of demands of housing consumers?Fspecialized government establishes a housing authority and creates financial resources . In addition, the government has to construct a perfect living homeland of Taipei for the future under the plan and legal system. For the plan of Taipei??s housing authority, in the short term , we suggest using the ?§Housing Affair Committee?? to integrate all administrative matters of all departments . For the long-term, we aim to establish ?§Housing and Community Development Authority??. The affairs of the housing authority system is divided into five administrative offices and one center: integrated planning office , housing subsidy office , housing market administration office , housing and community management office , neighborhood environmental improvement office , and housing service center. At the same time, we also consider the transformation of Public Housing Department and in cooperation with other departments. To sum up , the ?§Housing Affair Committee?? will transit to the housing authority?]Housing and Commitment Development Authority ?^in the future . However, we have to coordinate the councilors and the related departments first. After that, we could really practice the guiding principles of Taipei ??s housing policies , achieve the living quality , and aim ??Suitable housing for every residents??. |