Abstract: | 國家安全是現代國家最重要的決策,所有國家莫不戰戰兢兢,大致都設立了因應國際外交、軍事危機的管理機構。本項研究計畫選定美、英、法、德、日、俄等國作為研究對象,將各主要國家處理國際危機所屬機構及其運作,加以彙整。因而瞭解到各國的相關機制大都權責分明,且時常伺機調整人事、並就相關議題進行演練。此外,危機處理體制變遷又牽涉領導人的出身背景或情緒好惡,即使是相同的國家,不同的領導人,在機構組成和行事作風上,都有相當出入。而影響各國危機處理的成敗,除了本國的條件之外,猶取決於國際政治氣氛。在冷戰結束後,國際間意識型態的爭議大為減少,對於國際安全的共識提昇,這些因素都為各國的危機處理工作,提供了較佳的環境。 National security has been the pivotal part of decision making for any country. Most nations have established modern crisis-managing institutions in their countries dealing with the international diplomatic as well as military crises. This research project chooses the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Russian Federation as the objective of study for a better understanding about their respective organs and operation in this regard. In dealing with this research, the author recognizes that the duties as well as privileges of the relevant personnel are very much clear and that they are often adapted to the ever-changing environment and also polish their caliber via maneuvers. The manners of conducting crisis management often have to do with different leaders. They have different backgrounds as well as leadership styles. The results of crisis management, finally, hinge not only on the preparedness of countries themselves, but on the global atmosphere in general. It`s been better that, after the end of the Cold War, the world order has offered a better condition for crisis management given the confrontation based on political ideology has descended and the consensus about the common security been uphold. |