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Title: | 國立高中學校行政組織再造之研究-以臺中縣市為例 |
Authors: | 呂培川 |
Contributors: | 湯 志 民 呂培川 |
Keywords: | 國立高中 學校行政組織 學校行政組織再造 national senior high school school administration organization re-engineering (re-inventing) school administration organization |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-25 17:02:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討國立高中學校行政組織調整之需求性、剖析我國國立高中學校行政組織中,職務由教師兼任的概況、瞭解我國國立高中學校行政組織及運作之缺失、分析現行國立高中學校行政組織之改進途徑,提出有助於國立高中學校行政組織再造的架構,以提供學校及主管教育行政機關參考。採用的研究方法計有:問卷調查法、訪談法。 本研究係以高中教師及兼任行政人員、專職行政人員及主管教育行政機關之教育行政人員為研究對象。在問卷方面,以臺中縣市國立高中為研究抽樣母體,採分層隨機抽樣進行問卷調查,總計共發出問卷500份,回收411份,有效問卷411份,總回收率為82.2%。 本研究經過文獻探討及調查和訪談結果分析,得到如下的結論: 一、 現行國立高中學校行政組織架構,各校設立之組別大致相似。 二、 各校現行之學校行政組織中較迫切需要再造之處,頗符合現況需求。加強專業養成訓練;採勞務外包制;員額採總量管制。 三、 各校現行之學校行政組織架構較類似甲方案。較傾向於傳統之處室分組架構。 四、 國立高中學校行政組織,多數的填答者認為國立高中之規模區分維持現狀無須調整。 五、 國立高中學校行政組織,教學組、試務組以及訓育組較適合由教師兼任組長。 六、 現行國立高中學校行政組織及運作之缺失︰教師兼任行政工作意願不高;行政工作勞逸不均;行政組織結構缺乏彈性。 七、 現行國立高中學校行政組織改進途徑︰加強行政人員的專業養成訓練;改善各組行政工作勞逸不均;教職員採總量管制。 八、 國立高中學校行政組織再造,可透過將非屬核心業務外包或場所委外經營的方式來提升行政效率。 九、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,可以朝著裁併處室、裁併組別或歸併的方向調整。 十、 國立高中學校行政組織架構調整,以維持現狀的甲案最為填答者支持,反映出普遍冀求安定,但亦有近半數認同再造。
根據以上之結論,提出如下的建議,以供參考。 壹、教育行政機關方面 一、訂定組織再造計畫,因應未來實際需求。 二、行政組織法令鬆綁,賦予彈性自主運作。 三、從制度面根本解決教師兼任行政工作意願不高之學校行政組織運作的缺失,建議教師兼任的適合度較低的職務由專任行政人員擔任。 貳、對學校的建議 一、訂定工作流程的簡化措施,修訂學校的校務章則規程。 二、積極進行較迫切需要再造之處。 三、辦理勞務外包,減輕人員工作負擔,縮編員額節省人事經費。 四、非屬核心業務委外經營,開拓財源,減輕行政負擔,有利於組織再造;建議學校可以將餐廳、合作社、游泳池等場所委外經營。 五、加強行政人員專業養成訓練,鼓勵兼行政教師參與行政研習。 六、合理分工各組業務,避免工作勞逸不均。 七、簡化行政業務工作流程,活化學校行政運作機制。 八、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,建議裁併部分處室或組別。 This study is researching the necessity of adjusting the administration organization in national senior school, and exhaustedly analyzing the condition that a teacher holds a concurrent administrative post. Meanwhile, we can understand the faults of the school administrative organization and its administrative operation, and then we can analyze the improving gateways used nowadays in national senior high schools. Furthermore, we can offer the skeleton of reengineering administration organization, and the references to schools and the managers of the educational administration institution. These researching methods which I used are including “questionnaire survey law” and “visiting discussion”. The object personnel that I researched were senior high school teachers, concurrent administrators, full-time administrators and some educational administration personnel in manager educational administration institution. As to the questionnaire survey, we took national senior high schools in Taichung City and Taichung County as the matrix of lamination random sampling. We sent out about 500 “asks-the-volumes” and returned 411 “asks-the-volumes”. The recall “asks-the-volumes” were all effective, so the total returns-ratio reached 82.2%.
After literature discussion, investigation and visiting discussion, we come to the following conclusions: 1. The administrative organization skeletons of sections in national senior high schools nowadays are similar to one another. 2. The schools’ administrative organizations now needed urgently reengineering in national senior high schools are: strengthen the professional nurture training, the school services need adopting by “outside the service wraps”. And the specified number of personnel uses the total quantity control. These conform to the present situation demand. 3. The school administrative organization skeleton now traditionally tends to the way of “office room grouping”. 4. The majority of the answerers think that we needn’t adjust the present scale discrimination in high schools’ administrative organization and maintain the present situation. 5. The suitable concurrent posts for high school teachers are the Curriculum and Instruction Section, Examination Section and Extra-curriculum section in national senior high school administrative organization. 6. The demerits in high schools’ administrative organization and their operations nowadays are: teachers are not willing to be concurrent administrative personnel, the administrative affairs unbalance, and the administrative organization structures are lack of flexibility. 7. The ways of improving the schools’ administrative organization in national senior high schools are: strengthen the administrative personnel professional nurture training, balance the service work between sections, and teachers and administrators use the total quantity control.
8. As for the high schools’ re-engineering administrative organization, we may penetrate the outside agent to deal with the non- core business, or place request management in order to uplift the administration efficiency. 9. In proceeding the schools’ re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, we can consolidate offices, or sections, etc., or combine some offices or sections. 10. In adjusting national senior high schools’ administrative organization skeletons, most answerers support to maintain the present situation.
According to the above conclusions, my proposals are as following: --supply the reference 1. The proposals for the educational authorities: (a) To make the plans of re-engineering organization, be accordance to the future actual demand. (b) To loose the administrative constitutive law, afford the autonomous flexibility in operation. (c) To solve the demerits basically from the system surface that the teachers are unwilling to serve the part-time employment, suggest that some jobs unsuitable for teachers can be done by full-time administrative personnel. 2. The proposals for school authorities: (a) To make the brief measure of working flow, reedit the rules and regulations of school affairs. (b) To carry on what will be re-engineered positively and urgently. (c) To transact all labor services done by outside agent to reduce the burden of internal personnel, and incorporate personnel to save the personnel funds. (d) To afford the non-core business managed by outside agent, exploit the finance, lighten the administrative burden, will be advantageous of re-engineering organization. And proposal that school cafeteria, cooperative, and swimming pool can be managed by outside agent. (e) To strengthen administrative personnel’s professional nurture training, encourage concurrently administrative teachers to attend the administrative thorough study. (f) To divide each service labor rationally, avoid the unfair burden in assigning work. (g) To brief the administrative affairs work flow, activate the school administrative operation mechanism. (h) To be engaged in re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, suggest consolidating some offices or sections. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 919110191 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0919110191 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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