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Title: | 臺北市國民中學本位管理實施成效之研究 |
Authors: | 陳正泰 |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 陳正泰 |
Keywords: | 學校本位管理 school base managemet |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-25 16:58:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民中學實施學校本位管理的現況及其成效。並據以提出結論與建議,期能做為學校本位管理實施之參考。具體目的有六:一、瞭解台北市國民中學學校本位管理運作現況。二、評估台北市國民中學學校本位管理實施成效。三、比較不同背景變項下國中教師對學校本位管理實施成效看法的差異。四、探討學校本位管理運作情形與實施成效之相關。五、探討學校本位管理運作各向度對實施成效的解釋力。六、分析臺北市國中學校本位管理實施現況與成效後,提出改革建議。 為達上述之目的,本研究首先探討學校本位管理的意涵和理論,其次分析學校本位管理之運作類型、範疇及成員角色職責,最後探討學校本位管理實施情形與成效之相關研究。經由上述之探討與分析,作為本研究之理論基礎,並據以自編「臺北市學校本位管理實施成效」之問卷調查。本研究以台北市公、私立國民中學教師、組長、主任及校長為調查對象,採取分層隨機取樣,共抽取30 所國中,回收有效問卷為446 份,分別以平均數與標準差分析、T考驗、Pearson 積差相關、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行分析。 本研究經由統計分析獲得下列幾項主要的研究發現: 壹、臺北市國民中學學校本位管理運作大致符合自主程度 貳、不同背景變項的教師對於學校本位管理運作知覺有顯著差異 一、資深教師對於整體學校本位管理、校務層面及人事層面有較高的知覺程度。 二、國中主任在整體學校本位管理、校務層面、人事層面、課程與教學層面的知覺程度高於導師及專任教師。 三、公立國中的教師在校務層面的知覺程度高於私立國中的教師;私立國中的教師在經費層面的知覺程度高於公立國中的教師。 參、臺北市國中學校本位管理實施成效達到中上程度 肆、不同背景變項的教師對於學校本位管理實施成效知覺有顯著差異 一、資深教師在整體實施成效、行政效能及組織氣候方面的知覺程度顯著高於資淺教師。 二、國中主任在整體實施成效、行政效能、組織氣候及學業表現方面知覺程度高於導師及專任教師;國中校長在教學專業成長方面知覺程度高於導師及專任教師;國中組長在家長參與方面知覺程度顯著高於導師及專任教師。 三、學歷為研究所以上的國中教師在組織氣候方面的知覺程度顯著高於大學畢業的國中教師。 四、私立國中的教師在學業表現方面的知覺程度顯著高於公立國中的教師。 五、學校規模25-59班的國中教師在整體實施成效、學業表現及家長參與方面高於學校規模13-24班的國中教師。 伍、學校本位管理運作與實施成效呈正相關。 陸、學校本位管理各層面能有效預測整體實施成效。 本研究最後根據研究發現提出數項建議,供教育行政機關、國民中學、國中教師及未來相關研究之參考。 The main purpose of this study was to discuss the practice and effects of school-base management in junior high school, and according to the study, this study made a conclusion and suggestions. There are six purposes: First, understand the present condition of school-base management in junior high school. Second, evaluate the effects of school-base management in junior high school. Third, compare to the opinions differences from different background variation about the practice and effects of school-base management. Forth, explore the correlations between the operations of school-base management. Fifth, confer the four administrative levels of SBM forecast its effects. Sixth, after analyzed the present condition and effect of school-base management, this study made suggestions to improve. To achieve the main purposes mention above, this study explored the meaning and theory of school-base management. And then, analyzed the category and the responsibilities of every members of the school-base management. Finally, this study explored the relative studies of school-base management. This study took the explorations and analyses as the foundation of the theory. ”Questionnaire of the practice and effect of school-base management” was developed for research. The examine samples involve principals, directors, chiefs and teachers of the public and private junior high schools in the Taipei city, there were 446 effective samples from 30 junior high schools. The statistics method was average, standard, percentile, t-test and one-way ANOVA. According to the statistics conclusions, the findings of this study are summarized as follow: 1. The results show that school-base management has been executed well in the junior high school. 2. Educational personnel’s opinions toward the execution of school-base management are very different from different background. 3.The effects of school-base management are fine. 4.Educational personnel’s opinions toward the effect of school-base management are very different from different background. 5.Highly positive correlations are proven between the practice and effects of school-base management. 6. School-base management can anticipate the effect. According to the finding, this study made several suggestions to provide the educational administrations, junior high schools, junior high schools’ teachers and the relative studies for reference. |
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