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    Title: 桃園縣國中校長家長式領導與教師組織忠誠關聯之研究
    Authors: 林挺世
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Keywords: 校長家長式領導
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-04-25 16:09:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討桃園縣國中校長家長式領導與教師組織忠誠之關聯。主要研究目的如下:
    一、 瞭解桃園縣國中校長家長式領導與教師組織忠誠之現況。
    二、 瞭解桃園縣國中校長家長式領導與教師組織忠誠之相關情形。
    三、 綜合研究結果,據以提出建議,以供學校校長、學校教師及相關研究之參考。

    A Study on the Connection Between Principal`s Paternalistic Leadership and Teachers` Organizational Loyalty in Taoyuan County Junior High School
    The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between principals` paternalistic leadership and teachers` organizational loyalty in Taoyuan County junior high schools.The main purposes are as the following:
    1. To investigate the present situation of principals` paternalistic leadership and teachers` organizational loyalty in Taoyuan County junior high schools.
    2. To explore the relations on principals` paternalistic leadership and teachers` organizational loyalty in Taoyuan County junior high schools.
    3. According to the results, suggestions are provided for principals, teachers in junior high schools, and researchers in the future.
    To attain the goals above, questionary survey method is adapted. The researcher takes the teachers in Taoyuan County junior high schools as the population. 446 samples are effective among 600 teachers and the rate of retrieve is 74.33%. In addition to some personal basic information, two scales are used in the study as well, including principals` paternalistic leadership scale and teachers` organizational loyalty scale. Analytic data are rendered in some ways, including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation. The results are summarized as follows:
    1. The principals in Taoyuan County junior high schools perform low-level behaviors of paternalistic leadership especially “authoritarianism leadership” unroll emphatically.
    2. The teachers in Taoyuan County junior high schools perform low-level behaviors of organizational loyalty especially “affirmative obligation” scored the low marks.
    3. The Taoyuan County junior high schools` principals who are in middle-size school “37-72 classes”, or schools` history is “below 10 years” perform higher behaviors of principals` paternalistic leadership.
    4. The Taoyuan County junior high schools` teachers who are “51 years old and upward”, “to graduated from generally university”, “part-time homeroom teacher” perform higher behaviors of principals` paternalistic leadership.
    5. The Taoyuan County junior high schools` teachers who are in small-scale school “below 12 classes”, or schools` history is “below 10 years” perform higher behaviors of teachers` organizational loyalty.
    6. The Taoyuan County junior high schools` teachers who are “female”, “below 30 years old”, “to graduated from teachers` university”, “part-time homeroom teacher”, “6-15 years teach seniority” perform higher behaviors of principals` paternalistic leadership.
    7. The principals in Taoyuan County junior high schools` principals perform “moral leadership”, “benevolence leadership”, whereupon to raise teachers` organizational loyalty; perform “authoritarianism leadership”, whereupon to decrease teachers` organizational loyalty.
    8. The principals in Taoyuan County junior high schools perform “moral leadership”,get the teachers` most self-identity, whereupon to raise teachers` organizational loyalty, and effect emphatically.
    Based on the purposes of the researcher, literature review, and data analysis results, some suggestions are offered for principles, teachers in elementary schools, and future research papers.

    Key words:
    Principals` Paternalistic Leadership、Teachers` Organizational Loyalty
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