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    Title: 以財產權觀點探討美國成長管理運動與私有財產權運動
    The Study of American Growth Management And Private Property Rights Movements : Property Rights Perspective
    Authors: 葉艾青
    Yeh, Ai Ching
    Contributors: 林森田
    Lin,Sen Tyan
    Yeh, Ai Ching
    Keywords: 成長管理
    growth management
    property rights
    planning control
    land use
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 18:38:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為有效促進土地使用、環境保護及引導都市發展,美國形成所謂「成長管理運動」,藉以提昇整體土地效用,並符合隨時代變遷而呈現多樣化的土地開發行為。然在土地使用規劃與管制的執行中,常涉及個別土地所有權人的財產權範圍與社會公經濟外部性間的考量;就土地使用規劃與管制對整體土地利用價值而言,可有所提升並降低開發所產生的負外部性;但就個別而言,當土地受到一定程度上之限制時,將會影響土地所有權人於土地所能從事的經濟活動、土地使用及其交易價值,且多重的管制往往導致土地所有權人權益因此受到限縮或喪失,是以為求合理的私有財產權保障,也相對興起了「私有財產權運動」,以尋求管制下的公平對待。

    In order to promote efficient land use and protect environment as well as lead urban development, the Growth Management Movement has emerged in USA. However, the implementation of land use planning and control will unavoidable affect the domain of private property rights and the public interests in terms of externality. Although land use planning and control can reduce the negative externality of land development, the limitation on private land will attenuate private property rights and result in the loss of landowners’ property rights and land value. The Private Property Rights Movement arises so as to pursue a reasonable protection of property rights and to have an equal treatment under land use control.
    From the society viewpoint, land use control is employed to modify the market failure so as to reduce the negative externality and increase positive externality, but the implementation of tighter land use control means that the landowners’ property rights are redefined and attenuated. That how far is too far is always a controversy and lead to the emergence of two opposite movements i.e. the Growth Management Movement and The Private Property Rights Movement. This study intends to investigate the concept of and to analyze the influence factors of both movements so as to use a mirror for Taiwan’s land use planning and control which assigns and reassigns the property rights of land.
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