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    Title: 臺北縣新莊市中港大排水岸城鄉個案分析:公民參與觀點
    Jhonggang Drainage Cannel Waterside City Case study in Sinjhuang,Taipei:From the Point of View of Citizen Participation
    Authors: 陳炳宏
    Contributors: 蕭武桐
    Keywords: 環境正義
    environmental justice
    citizen participation
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 18:11:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究是國內少數以公民參與的觀點,探討環境正義落實,並以實際政策規劃佐以驗證。過去台灣公民參與政策規劃實例不多,甚至公民參與政策規劃意願薄弱,因為許多民眾不相信政府會採納他們的意見,總保持旁觀態度。同時,國內政策規劃模式並沒有提供公民參與機制,民眾不熟悉政策制定流程,也沒有相對專業背景,造成雙向溝通地方座談會流於形式。

    This research is one of the few researches which aims to discuss the application of environment justice and verify it with a real example of policy planning from the point of view of citizens participation. In the past, there are few examples of citizen participating in policy-making. Moreover, citizens are not willing to take part in public policy-making, for the public doesn’t believe the government will adopt their opinions, is not familiar with the process of policy-making and doesn’t have professional knowledge about policy-making. As a result, the local forums between the government officials and the public cannot produce positive outputs.
    Policy planning should regard the public as main stakeholder and the opinions of the “stakeholders” should be taken into account to get the legitimacy of policies and their support form the public. The application of environment justice depends on the application of policy. The government should offer the “stakeholder” necessary information so that the public is able to make the best judgment. Otherwise, the actions to carry out environmental justice will be in vain.
    Taking the renovation of Zhong-Kang Drainage channel in Xin Zhuang as a example, this research records and analyzes how people in Xin Zhuang interact with the government during the process of policy-making in details. This research aims to become a model for the government in future by the execution of the project. Meanwhile, the research would like to activate the awareness of citizenship and increase the public’s willingness to participate policy in planning and carry out the justice of environment.

    Key word: environmental justice, stakeholder, citizen participation
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959210531
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