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Title: | 工作壓力與組織承諾之研究--以太平洋醫材公司為例 The relationship between job stree and organizational commitment |
Authors: | 張文娟 |
Contributors: | 孫本初 張文娟 |
Keywords: | 工作壓力 組織承諾 太平洋醫材公司 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 18:07:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究係針對太平洋醫材公司員工實施問卷調查,藉以瞭解公司員工工作壓力與組織承諾之間的關係,期能依據研究結果提出建議,供企業界作為改善各公司工作壓力之參考,並提高其對單位之組織承諾。本研究以太平洋醫材公司之苗栗三個工廠為研究母群,採用問卷調查法,並以全面普測方式進行調查,共發出720份問卷,回收有效樣本計680份,回收率94.4%。問卷調查所得資料經以SPSS 10.0版統計軟體,以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法,進行分析與解釋。 This research focuses on The Pacific Hospital Supply Co.,Ltd Simp in midland to study their work stress and organization commitment. Then we analyze the result to explain the degree of work stress and organization commitment.we can understand The Pacific Hospital Supply Co.,Ltd Simp work stress and raise the organization commitment to military police organization.
We come up with 720 Simp for the questionnaire with 680 successful returned Simp , the return percent is 94.4%. We study Simp by asking question and use the statistics software Spss 10.0 version. Acquired information is analyzed of Descriptive Statistics Analysis, T-test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 95921080 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921080 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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