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Title: | 金融機構預警制度之比較研究 The Comparison of Financial Early Warning System |
Contributors: | 高安邦 楊奕新 |
Keywords: | 金融機構預警制度 金融機構 金融監理 financial early warning system financial institutions financial supervision |
Abstract: | 金融機構預警制度在性質上兼具金融管理及經營評鑑之雙重功能,且對於金融危機具有預防及警戒作用之制度,其意義係依據有關之金融法規與金融業務之經營原則,選定若干變數而訂定一套預警函數、指標、臨界值或基準值、判別模型等,將能夠數據化之部份,利用電腦處理資料並進行統計分析與審察,對於未符合規定、逾越警戒範圍之異常數或脫軌狀況,經過測試與核算後,發出預警信號,以促使主管機關或金融機構(或稱銀行)本身提早注意,並加以防範、及時糾正與改善,以促進其健全經營之制度。
關鍵詞:金融機構預警制度、金融機構、金融監理 Financial early warning system is a line both in the nature of financial management and operational evaluation of the dual function. To the financial crisis, With the role of prevention and warning system. The significance of means in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the financial business and financial management principles. Certain number of selected variable set of a number of warning function, indication), cutoff or decimal value, discriminant model. According to the number of data, after testing with the accounting, it cause alarm or signal, so that the issue of the fail to meet the requirement, beyond the scope of the warning or to derail the number of abnormal conditions. To encourage the competent authorities or financial institutions (or banks) early attention to itself. By prevent and promptly correct and improve, to promote the sound management of the system.
In recent years, financial institutions have become increasingly complex business and responsible for financial supervision authorities increasingly heavy responsibility, under the influence of the financial internationalization and liberalization. To solve this dilemma, how to make the best use of off-site monitoring tool, make up for lack of spot checks. It should be an effective program to strengthen the current financial supervision system. We all know that more and more attention to the financial supervisory authorities to the work of off-site monitoring. One of the most well-known and effective functioning is the “financial early warning system”. It could assess the performance of financial institutions, financial institutions and the issue of screening show that the functions of the police. For the financial supervision authorities, one of the important auxiliary tool, today.
Keywords: financial early warning system, financial institutions, financial supervision |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 95921013 98 |
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