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Title: | 推動「型塑學習型政府行動方案」過程之研究: A Study on the Implementation Process for“Action Plan for Molding Learning Government” |
Authors: | 陳秀美 |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 陳秀美 |
Keywords: | 組織學習 學習型政府 政府改造 organizational learning learning government government reform |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 17:56:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 長久以來,公務人員及機關對於政府推動任何方案總是以「上有政策,下有對策」回應,回顧我國政府推動組織學習的情形亦不例外,此次行政院人事行政局積極推動「型塑學習型政府行動方案」,截至目前為止,並無公部門實施組織學習成功之案例可循,其可行性及有效性如何,不免另人存疑!或許這之間有許多影響因素,沒有被詳細討論與發掘,加上目前國內論文對型塑學習型政府議題研究不多,研究者認為有其深入研究之必要。又近年來,樂見國內外學者對學習型組織之理論陸續提出,因而引起研究者在學習型組織對政府改造影響上研究之興趣。 為達研究之目的,本論文主要研究方法為文獻回顧及深度訪談;文獻回顧部分乃試圖從標竿機關成功案例的經驗分享中,萃取出驅動團隊未來最關鍵的動力來源。由於注意的焦點是標竿機關成功的顛峰經驗,它的能量是非常高的,大家就有信心在此基礎上,並運用Peter Senge五項修練方法透過「系統思考」模型分別探討: 一、分析民國89年10月人事行政局推出「建構完整公務人力資源發展體系,型塑學習型政府方案」與民國93年2月推出「型塑學習型政府行動方案」的意義、目標、執行情形、管控機制之差異。 二、機關與公務人員對「型塑學習型政府行動方案」之執行的反應與觀感。 並由上述之內容所得,規劃深度訪談之題綱,運用深度訪問方法,提請專研組織學習之顧問,以及率先實施本方案之中央部會、地方主管機關之承辦人員(或主管),對「型塑學習型政府行動方案」之執行情形,提供心得與具體可行之建議。變革應該是從局部開始,再慢慢擴大、成長,與時俱進,必須經由「過程評估」來檢驗系統的運作,才能看出有意義的實質成果,而本方案實施範圍及對象太多(行政院所屬各機關),未先針對各機關特性、條件之不同即通函一體適用,不僅增加承辦單位之困擾及壓力,對其他公務人員而言,更是怨聲載道!又研究者訪談分析顯示,尚有不少受訪者與執行機關對政府推動本方案之信心仍嫌不足,政府應正視仍在持續執行中(目前為擴散階段)之各基層機關推動本方案之困難度與實用性,並營造組織學習的環境與資源,使其有足夠的誘因執行,期許政府機關之組織學習推動順利。 【關鍵字】:組織學習、學習型政府、政府改造 The Central Personnel Administration, Executive Yaun, ROC (hereafter ‘CPA’ has issued “Forming Learning Organization Program” (hereafter ‘Program’) to assist public organizations to implement the organizational learning activities for making both government and public employees to develop and grow sustainably. However, what effects would this Program arise still needs further evaluation, for there haven’t been any successful precedents of learning government. Reason for the lack of the above mentioned precedents might be various elements of the Program haven’t been explored and researched. This background invites the interests of author to process the research on what learning organization impact to government reform. In order to achieve the goals of this research, the research methods utilized by the author are the document method and the deep interview method. The aim of document method is to absorb the essential vitality that empowers a team to success from targeting successful cases. Because the focus is put on the supreme successful experiences of the targeting team, the energy developed is very high. Furthermore the Fifth Discipline will be used via systems thinking to deal with the following subjects: I. to aquire the meaning, goals, the implementing results, and the differences between controlling systems by analyzing the Program proposed on October 2000 and the other one proposed on February 2004。 II. to understand what public employees reflect and react to the Program. Based on the above mentioned the author will draft the questionnaires for deep interview, and submit them to the public employees of all levels of institutes which have implemented the Program. The evolution should take place from individual parts and expand to others, and it is needed to exam how the system function for realizing a meaningful result. However, there are too many issues and objectives involved in the Program. And without considering different characters of each public institution, the application of the Program not only causes disturbance and pressure to public institutes, but also raises the complaints from public employees. According to the results gain form many interviewed objectives of the operating institutions, there is still lacking of confidence on operating this Program. In the process of operating the Program, CPA should take the difficulties of operating the Program and its practice seriously. And the CPA should also improve the resources of organizational learning, so as to make the goals of organizational learning realized smoothly.
Keywords: organizational learning, learning government, government reform |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 89921004 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089921004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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