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Title: | 美髮業從業人員工作型態對工作條件與權益之影響-以台北市髮型設計師為例 The effects of hairdressing industry employee’s working type on working conditions and interests - A case study of hair stylists in Taipei |
Authors: | 江璧瑜 Chiange, Bi Yu |
Contributors: | 成之約 Cheng, Chih Yu 江璧瑜 Chiange, Bi Yu |
Keywords: | 美髮業 工作型態 工作特性 工作條件 髮型設計師 Hairdressing working type Job characteristics working condition Hair Stylist |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 17:15:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾年來,髮型設計工作室、髮型沙龍的經營型態越趨流行,使得許多髮型設計師的工作型態產生變化,有越來越多的髮型設計師以不同型態之勞動方式提供勞動,有以靠行方式、或以個人工作室、或受僱於店家..等方式提供本身技術與服務。
如何使美髮業從業人員在辛苦付出勞務的同時,能夠獲得對等的報酬或回饋,使該行業從業人員除了從工作中獲得成就感外,亦能從勞動條件或工作環境中獲得滿足感,也成了應被重視的課題之一。因此,本研究將從工作型態、工作特性進一步瞭解位於臺北市之美髮業從業人員的工作條件、勞動福利、勞資關係等相關問題。 Recently years, Hair Designing Studio or Hair Salon becomes more and more popular, that it made a lot of changes in Hair Stylist this industry. There are more and more Hair Stylists supply their personal skills in different ways as work force, just like freelancers, operate a studio, or employed.
Due to Hairdressing is a labor intensive industry, the working condition of Hair Stylists are lower than generally because the property of Hairdressing. For example, longer working times, lower salary, poor benefit, and so on. So, how to improve these problems becomes one of the important issue in hairdressing industry.
It should be a very important issue that besides the achievement, Hair Stylists also can get satisfy in their job at the same time, after hardly working, the compensation and feedback can reciprocally. In this reason, the research will take the point of view from the working conditions and property to further understanding the related problems about working conditions, labor welfare, employment relationships of Taipei’s Hair Stylists. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 92262022 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922620221 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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