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Title: | 在中學實行創意教學:兩位英語教師之個案研究 Implementing creative language teaching in high schools: a case study of two EFL teachers |
Authors: | 張憶欣 |
Contributors: | 招靜琪 張憶欣 |
Keywords: | 創意教師 創意教學 語言教學 creative teacher creative teaching language teaching |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 15:43:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文旨在探討台灣中學英語教師的創意教學,並且進一步探究社會文化情境因素如何影響老師的創意教學。本研究的個案為兩位資深且具有豐富教學經驗的創意教師,分別任教於國中以及高中。本研究採質性研究法,藉由教室觀察、訪談以及文件分析收集資料。
本研究顯示兩位創意教師的教學創意主要展現在:(1) 採用多樣化的教材以及教具,(2) 語言教學結合真實語言使用,(3) 採用學習者中心的教學法,(4) 採用多元性的評量以及 (5) 展現純熟的教室管理技巧。此外本研究也發現社會文化情境因素的確對教師發展教學創意有影響,特別是學門的守門人。而兩位創意教師的教學經歷也顯示出發展創意教學可能遇到的困境。即便創意教學的本質被認可,但是在沒有滿足社會期待的狀況下,並不一定會被學門或是領域所認同。有鑑於兩位個案教師所曾經歷的困境,本研究提出教學上的建議:實行創意教學應當先從教學上做小規模的改變,從小規模的改變開始慢慢發展,以期達到發展創意教學以及減少無法滿足社會期待的衝突。 The preset study aimed to investigate teacher’s creativity in teaching foreign languages, with emphasis on high school English teachers in Taiwan, and further investigated how sociocultural contexts influence the teachers’ creativity. The participants are two acknowledged creative English teachers, teaching in junior high school and senior high school respectively. The data collection instruments include classroom observations, interviews and document collection. The data was analyzed qualitatively to see how two creative teachers employ their creativity in teaching English as a foreign language in everyday classroom practice and how the sociocultural contexts influence the teachers’ creativity.
Through analyzing the data, the two teachers’ teaching creativity was found to be demonstrated in (1) adopting a variety of teaching materials and aids; (2) making connections between language learning and real life; (3) giving ample space for learner-centered instruction; (4) creating multiple ways of assessment; and (5) exhibiting sophisticated classroom management strategies. Besides, the results indicated that sociocultural contexts have indeed had impacts on the teachers’ development, especially from school authority and students’ parents. Difficulties that the two teachers encountered suggest that not all the creative teaching efforts would be accepted with appreciation, although the efforts might be recognized as creative. With regard to challenges that the language teachers faced, the result suggested that implementation of creative language teaching should start with rather smaller-scale changes in teaching and progress gradually in order to maintain a balance between creative teaching and social expectations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 95551019 98 |
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