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Title: | 國中英語教師閱讀教學信念與實踐:兩位教師之個案研究 Junior high school EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices on reading instruction: a case study |
Authors: | 陳瑋芳 |
Contributors: | 招靜琪 陳瑋芳 |
Keywords: | 教師信念 閱讀教學 英語教學 teacher`s belief reading instruction English teaching |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 15:41:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討兩位國中英語教師閱讀教學信念及其課堂教學,同時分析師生課堂互動如何影響教師的課堂閱讀教學。過去研究顯示出學生對於教師的信念及教學有很大的影響,但課堂上的師生互動如何影響教師教學卻需要進一步的研究。本研究採取質性個案研究,研究過程採取訪談教師及學生和課堂觀察兩位教師的教學為主要資料蒐集來源。結果顯示教師所聲稱的閱讀教學信念與其實際課堂教學確有差異之處,而學生因素包括: (1) 學生課堂參與 (2) 學生對教授內容的理解 (3) 學生英語程度差異 (4) 學生考試壓力均影響教師調整課堂教學的內容。然而教師信念與實際教學差異卻反映了教師信念因應個別教學情境而改變的本質,同時透過教師信念研究亦凸顯了教師於課堂中真正扮演的角色。文末進一步提出相關建議,以期能作為在職教師及未來研究參考。 The purposes of the present study are to investigate two junior high school English teachers’ beliefs and practices on reading instruction and how the teacher-student interaction in class impacts teachers’ reading instruction behaviors. Previous studies have shown the impacts of student issues on the teachers’ beliefs, but how exactly these issues interact with teachers’ in-class practices demands further investigation. The case study research, that is semi-structured interviews with participating teachers and students and classroom observations, was adopted in the present study. The results reveal that there are indeed discrepancies between the teachers’ claimed pedagogical beliefs and their in-class actions, and students’ in-class participation, their comprehension of teachers’ instruction, their diverse English proficiency levels and their examination pressure all present challenges to shape teachers’ actions in class. Nevertheless, these discrepancies between teachers’ beliefs and practice in turn reveal the situated nature of teachers’ beliefs, which help teachers develop more contextualized adjustments to meet their individual teaching contexts. Moreover, the investigation of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs make the instruction roles they play explicit. Finally, it is expected that the findings of the present study offer a new perspective to understand teachers’ beliefs and practices and provide pedagogical implications for in-service teaching profession. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 94551023 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094551023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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