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    Title: 台灣西方翻譯文學作品之引用研究
    Citation Analysis of Taiwan Translational Literature
    Authors: 李青親
    Contributors: 蔡明月
    Keywords: 翻譯文學
    translational literature
    Western literature
    Citation Analysis
    Interdisciplinary research
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 15:32:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 引用文獻分析法可觀察學科研究特性與歷程、未來發展趨勢、學科與跨學科關係,並建構知識地圖,但較少被應用在人文學領域的研究。而文學作品包含著豐富意涵,具有多種探討面向,正可藉引用文獻分析法來觀察其被引用的情形,而發現其多元內涵。本研究透過引用文獻分析法,以1950至2008年間台灣高度翻譯的西方外國文學作品為對象,觀察其在國外被引用的次數,以及年代、語言、主題分佈情形,以了解文學作品在台灣被翻譯次數與在國外被引用次數之差異與相關性、在不同年代、語言、主題領域中的不同影響性,以及被研究與引用的分佈情形。
    研究結果如下:1.西方外國文學作品被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,文學作品被翻譯次數與被引用次數相關程度為低度正相關;(2)西班牙文學分區之作品與莎士比亞的作品在台灣被翻譯次數與在國外被引用次數皆成高度正相關;(3)被引用次數前三名的文學分區為英國、古代西洋、法國文學;(4)被引用次數前三名的文學作品為《伊里亞德》、《奧德賽》、《神曲》。2.被引用之年代分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區最高被引年代多集中在1990年代;(2) 各年代區段皆以英國文學分區被引次數最高;(3) 1970、1980與1990三個年代區段皆以《伊里亞德》被引次數最高。3.被引用之語言分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區皆被引用在英語文章中最多;(2) 各語言文章中所高度引用的文學分區與文學作品多與該地區所使用之語言相符。4.被引用之主題分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區除了古代西洋文學,皆被引用在文學主題領域文章中最多;(2) 各主題文章所高度引用之文學作品多屬古代西洋、英國、義大利、法國與德國文學作品。
    Citation Analysis reveals research characteristics, research development, scholarly communication, and helps to construct knowledge map. However, little research devoted to the cited situation of humanity discipline. This study aims to investigate how literary works were cited. Through Citation Index, the Western literary works highly translated in Taiwan during 1950 and 2008 were examined in terms of their cited times and cited distribution in foreign papers.
    The findings are as follows. Correlational analysis of translated times of Western literary works in Taiwan and cited times of which in foreign research was lowly positive. Nevertheless, the translated times of Spanish literature in Taiwan and cited times of which in foreign research were highly positive correlated, and also the case in Shakespeare’s works. English literature was the most highly cited literary division in five year period, and Iliad was the most highly cited work in 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. In all literary divisions, more than half of the citing papers were in English. On the whole, the language of citing papers corresponded to the language of their highly citing literary division and works. Except for Classical literature, all literary divisions were highly cited by papers of literature subject area. In different subject areas, most highly cited works belonged to Classical literature, English literature, Italian literature, French literature, and German literature.
    The results of the study may assist in Collection Development, Reference, and reading promotion. On the other hand, foreign literature researchers can further observe research progress, review literary theory, and proceed interdisciplinary research to explore the abundant and diverse connotation of literary works.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096155013
    Data Type: thesis
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