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    Title: 民事調解制度與相關調解案例分析 – 以鄉鎮市調解為中心
    Studies of civil mediation system and cases on townships mediation
    Authors: 童淑枝
    Tung, Shu Chih
    Contributors: 楊淑文
    Yang, Shu Wen
    Tung, Shu Chih
    Keywords: 民事調解
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 13:43:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文是以調解案例從實體裁判從程序制度來觀察,探討如何有效銜接法院裁判與民事調解,有檢討法律規範之不夠週全處,亦有探求調解制度功能之不明處。惟不涉足地方派系涉不涉入調解委員會對其人事功能之影響,亦不考量其政治、社會或經濟利益之獲取效應。

    This article is based on mediation cases to observe from entity verdicts and process systems, discusses how to effectively link courthouse verdicts and civil mediations, includes to discuss the incomprehensive parts of the legal regulations, and to discover the ambiguous parts of the comprehensive system, but neither involves with the affections whether the local factions would involve with the mediation committee regarding to the personnel functions, nor involve with acquisition affects of its politics, society or economic benefits.

    Hope to achieve the original intentions of establishing township mediation committees to arbitrate and reconcile, discontinue disputations , to help the mediation committee to develop its contactor functions on individual case justices, to actually play the role of giving the litigators the priority opportunity to choose procedural benefits (can complete quickly and economically), but not only giving the litigators the priority opportunity to choose substantive benefits (can achieve prudent and correct verdicts), finally can achieve to reduce the courthouse’s litigation sources, reach the goal of enhancing the quality of people’s rule of law.
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