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    Title: 非語言敏感度的性別差異:權力差異與不同社會角色期待的效果探討
    Gender difference on nonverbal sensitivity: Due to power differentials or different social role expectations?
    Authors: 林怡秀
    Lin, Yi Hsiu
    Contributors: 李怡青
    Lee, I Ching
    Lin, Yi Hsiu
    Keywords: 非語言敏感度
    nonverbal sensitivity
    gender difference
    social roles
    expectation states theory
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 12:54:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 非語言敏感度(nonverbal sensitivity)指正確察覺與解釋他人非語言訊息的能力。過去研究發現女性的非語言敏感度優於男性,可以權力取向或社會角色理論解釋。權力取向認為女性在社會上缺乏權力,故需展現良好的非語言敏感度保障自己權益。社會角色理論認為女性擔任,或被期待擔任照顧者,因此培養良好的非語言敏感度。本研究同時探討權力取向與社會角色理論,嘗試比較兩個理論對非語言敏感度性別差異的解釋。本實驗採用兩人互動,透過權力差異的操弄與不同的議題(經濟提供者議題或照顧者議題)討論,探討互動時的非語言敏感度。每位受試者還觀看四部影片,測量無動機影響的非語言敏感度。結果顯示權力差異可解釋兩人互動的非語言敏感度,且資料型態符合權力差異者的動機解釋。而觀看影片時,相較於探討經濟提供者議題受試者,探討照顧者議題受試者有較佳的非語言敏感度。此外我們亦發現性別、權力與社會角色三因子交互作用,非語言敏感度會受到實驗分派的社會角色是否符合生理性別的傳統作業影響,符合預期狀態理論的觀點。
    Nonverbal sensitivity refers to the ability to accurately detect and decode nonverbal cues communicated by others. Past research showed that women enjoy superior nonverbal sensitivity over men. Power perspective and social role theory each provides explanations for women`s superior nonverbal sensitivity. Power perspective suggests that due to the lack of power in the society, women count on their nonverbal sensitivity to get what they want and for protection. Social role theory suggests that women are more likely to be in or are usually expected to be in caretaker roles, which require their attending to others` verbal or nonverbal cues. As a result, women develop superior nonverbal sensitivity compared to men. We designed an experimental study to test explanations offered by power perspective and social role theory. In the experiment, two individuals were told to collaborate on a task either required them to be in the provider role mode (focusing on earning money) or caretaker role mode (focusing on taking care of others). Power difference was manipulated by assigning one of the two individuals to be a leader and the other follower in this task. Interactions were recorded upon participants’ consent. After interaction, the participants were asked to interpret nonverbal cues in their interaction. They were also told to view four video clips, and then report and interpret nonverbal cues in each video clip. The results suggest that nonverbal sensitivity in interaction can be best accounted for by explanations consistent with the power perspective. The powerful was better at “B sees Self” nonverbal sensitivity, and the powerless was better at “B sees Me” nonverbal sensitivity, consistent with motivational explanations. In addition, we found a three-way interaction of participant sex, power, and social role, suggesting that women had the best “B sees Me” sensitivity when they had no power and were in the provider role. And men showed the best “B sees Self” sensitivity when they had power and were in the provider role. The three-way interaction finding is consistent with predictions made by expectation states theory. However, when viewing four video clips, participants in the caretaker role had better nonverbal sensitivity than those in the provider role. Motivation was offered to account for the differential effects of power and social roles. By analyzing clips of the dyadic interactions, we found that the powerful showed more leader behavior such as deciding discussion direction, and the powerless showed more follower behavior such as stammering. However, the results of the clips did not account for the aforementioned findings of nonverbal sensitivity.
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