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    Title: 東亞地區之南南貿易:現狀與展望
    South-South trade in East Asia: Situation and prospect
    Authors: 江柏葦
    Contributors: 鄧中堅
    Keywords: 南南貿易
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 14:49:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自2007年末爆發全球金融危機以來,已開發國家的經濟狀況受到重擊,對於貨物的需求也劇烈減少。而開發中國家受此危機的影響較為輕微,彼此間貨物貿易情形不減反增,於是對於南南貿易的學術討論也逐漸受到重視。然而,目前對於南南貿易的討論已不同於過往。過去對於南南貿易的討論多為1960年代之「南北爭論」的延伸,將鼓勵開發中國家間貿易視為一種政策手段,以降低開發中國家對其的政經影響力。但,目前對於南南貿易的學術討論已轉向更為積極的理論性論述,強調國家在不完全競爭市場中可扮演的發展角色。
    Since the eruption of global financial crisis in the end of 2007, the economic situation of developed countries has been severely damaged, and their demand for goods has also shrank dramatically. As for developing countries, their economies have been more resilient than that of developed countries in the face of the crisis, and the trade among them has even increased, therefore the academic discussion on South-South trade has gradually gained its importance. However, current discussion on South-South trade is very different from the past. In the past, the discussion on South-South trade is the extension of “North-South Debate” in the 1960s, regarding the promotion of South-South trade as a policy option to reduce the political and economic influence developed countries have on developing countries. Now the academic discussion on South-South trade has its robust theoretical basis, and much emphasis has been put on the developmental role states can play in the market of imperfect competition.
    East Asia, because of its importance in the South-South trade, is the study focus of this research. By means of reviewing literature on relevant theories and collecting relevant empirical evidence, this research aims to answer the following questions: (1.) What are the features of South-South trade in East Asia? (2.) Does South-South trade facilitate the development of East Asian developing countries? (3.) What is the prospect of South-South trade in East Asia? (4.) What is the possible role of government in South- South trade in East Asia?
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095253022
    Data Type: thesis
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