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Title: | 普欽重新定位俄羅斯民營化政策之研究,2000-2007 A Study on the Reoriention of Russia’s privatization under Putin, 2000-2007 |
Authors: | 侯明蓉 Hou, Ming-Jung |
Contributors: | 王定士 wang, Ding-Shu 侯明蓉 Hou, Ming-Jung |
Keywords: | 普欽 葉里欽 俄羅斯民營化 金融寡頭 金融工業集團 Putin Yel’tsin Russia’s privatization financial oligarchs FIG. |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 14:48:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文採取改革-反改革循環研究途徑與克里姆林政治研究途徑,闡釋俄羅斯總統普欽重新定位民營化政策的驅動因素。
本論文認為,普欽重新定位俄羅斯民營化走向的主要目的在於,解構葉里欽勢力集團、拓展國際戰略空間、以及創造經濟改革條件;而這三項努力的終極目標,則在於掃除異己、改善經濟、攏絡民心、提升大國地位、從而鞏固個人政治權位。 Applying reforms/counter-reforms cycle approach and kremlinological politics approach, the purpose of this study is aimed at exploring driving forces behind Russian president Putin’s efforts to reorient Russia’s privatization policy line.
Immediately after his inauguration in 2000, Russian president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, took quick and decisive steps to thoroughly undermine the financial industrial groups and renationalize those privatized big enterprises, especially, energy enterprises. At the same time, step by step, he pushed forward a new privatization policy line, concentrate on small and medium-sized enterprises.
This author argues in this study that main driving forces behind Putin’s efforts to reorient Russia’s privatization policy line are identified as attempts to undermine the pro-Yel’tsin group, to develop international strategic maneuvering room, and, to create favorable conditions for economic reforms. This author contends that the ultimate aim of these efforts is to wipe out political rivals, to improve economic life in order to win support from the populace, to promote Russia’s status as a great power, and, eventually, to consolidate Putin’s personal power.
Key wods: Putin, Yel’tsin, Russia’s privatization, financial oligarchs, FIG. |
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