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Title: | 第三代行動電信新進業者定價策略-網內互打免費個案之研究 The Pricing Strategy of 3G New Mobile Operator-A Case Study of On-Net Free Call |
Authors: | 單香萍 Sun, Cherry |
Contributors: | 林良楓 Lin, Ducer 單香萍 Sun, Cherry |
Keywords: | 行動電信 定價策略 網內互打免費 Telecommunication Pricing Strategy On-Net Free Call |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 14:47:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著電信技術的展進,台灣行動通訊已邁入3G,新進入者如威寶及亞太電信陸續加入產業以及94年10月台灣正式啟動行動電話號碼可攜服務後,繼過去2G業者激烈之競爭併購後,電信市場已進入到完全競爭之階段。但先進入者會有進入之優勢,相較於其他產業新進入者,電信產業之新進入門檻難度則是再度加高,新進電信業者如何進入市場與其相抗衡 ?為何這些新進業者先後都採用「網內互打免費」之定價策略做為其滲透市場及排除進入障礙以達成擴展用戶數之目標? 而此策略是否是最有效的競爭策略?對於既有業者、消費者以及行動市場之版圖之影響為何?
就個案公司在財務的構面與對既有競爭業者之影響比較下,發現個案公司採用此定價策略後,用戶數及營運狀況確實獲得大幅成長,而更早採用此策略之新業者亞太電信則早已提前損益轉正。而三大既有業者,也因此發生用戶轉移之現象,為因應客戶之流失紛紛推出類似但有限制之定價策略,形成電信市場最激烈之價格戰。另外,對於消費者而言,本研究問卷發現網內互打免費之電信費率價格可吸引七成以上之受訪者申辦以及對於電信業者間之用戶流動可產生高移轉力,由此顯示此策略確實為一有效之競爭策略,並且打破了過去行動電信業者所設計複雜、不合宜之資費制度,也是消費者所期望之資費結構定價,對大眾社會是一項很好之福利。 The advancement of the telecommunication technology has propelled the Taiwanese mobile telecommunication into the 3G era. With new entrants such as VIBO Telecom and Asia Pacific Telecom joining industry, the 2005 Oct. implementation of number portability service, and the intense merger and acquisition activities among 2G service providers, the telecommunication market has become highly competitive.
The incumbents in the industry will have advantages over the new entrants, and the entry barrier has become higher. How can a new entrant compete with the incumbents? Why did the new entrants use “On-Net Free Call” service plan to penetrate the market, to off-set the entry barrier, and to increase the number of users? Is this an effective strategy? How will this strategy affect the current service providers, consumers and how will it affect the market share?
This research has studied the financial and sales impact of the company which has implemented the “On-Net Free Call” strategy. The questionnaire survey conducted with existing competitors, sale channels and consumers, has found that even though not every telecommunication companies is suited to apply the “On-Net Free Call” pricing strategy, it is the best strategy that can give the new entrants quickest way in to this industry. And it is also the best weapon against competitors who already have a large subscriber base.
We compare the financial structure of the company implementing such price strategy with other competitors. We found the company using such pricing strategy has seen its customer base and revenue grown tremendously. Asia Pacific Telecom, which uses this strategy early, has already turned loss into profit. This strategy has caused customers to switch their operators and pushed other competitors to implement such strategy with limitation. As the result the intensive price competition in the telecommunication market has begun.Moreover, this study finds that the pricing of “On-Net Free Call” can attract 70% of the survey participants to apply and therefore increase the rate of transferring customer among telecommunication companies. We conclude that this strategy is an effective one and it also breaks away from the complex and the incompatible pricing structure. And most importantly, it creates a pricing scheme that is closer to consumer’s expectation and it is also a good welfare for the mass population and society. "目錄 i
表目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 定價策略的定義 5
第二節 企業定價的模式 6
第三節 運用在行動電信產業之定價策略模式 9
第三章 台灣行動通訊服務產業概況 20
第一節 產業分析 20
第二節 既有業者概況-中華、台哥大及遠傳電信 29
第三節 新進業者概況-- 亞太電信及威寶電信 32
第四節 政府政策 (國家通訊傳播委員會 NCC ) 34
第五節 電信收入及成本結構及特性 34
第六節 消費者使用趨勢 36
第四章 個案公司分析 38
第一節 個案公司簡介 38
第二節 個案公司「網內互打免費」定價策略背景及原因 45
第五章 研究方法 48
第一節 研究架構 48
第二節 問卷設計 49
第三節 研究樣本 50
第四節 資料分析方法 50
第六章 研究結果-個案公司營運績效及對競爭市場之影響 51
第一節 新進電信業推出「網內互打免費訂價策略」前後之影響 51
第二節 此策略對整體市場之影響 58
第三節 推出網內互打之競爭業者之比較 61
第四節 新電信業者推出『網內互打免費』定價策略分析 62
第七章 研究結果- 問卷調查 66
第一節 消費者面向 66
第二節 業者面向 96
第八章 結論與建議 98
第一節 研究結論與建議 98
第二節 研究限制及未來研究之建議 101
參考文獻 102
附錄一 本研究問卷 104
附錄二 本研究問卷 108
附錄三 消費者問卷統計主要購買因素敘述性分析 110
附錄四 中華電信市話撥打各業者行動電話之通話費率表 111 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 96932228 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932228 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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