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    Title: 核心技術能耐發展策略對筆記型電腦產業產品創新的影響-以華碩、宏碁開發小筆電產品為例
    The influence of core technology competence development strategy to notebook industry product innovation - A case study over Asus and Acer netbook product dvelopment
    Authors: 洪榮成
    Hung, Richard
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, F.S.
    Hung, Richard
    Keywords: 小筆電
    Eee PC
    Value Innovation
    Disruptive Innovation
    Core Technology Competence
    Value Activity
    Technology Strategy
    Technology Leader
    Technology Follower
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 09:20:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2007年6月,華碩電腦發表Eee PC精簡式筆記型電腦,此創新產品俟後由臺灣資訊工業策進會市場情報中心(MIC)統稱為精簡型小筆電,簡稱小筆電,英文名稱則採用美商英代爾對於這款產品的統稱:Netbook。

    Eee PC所設定的目標市場著眼於消費性市場,將產品定位於已開發國家使用者的第二臺電腦以及開發中國家使用者的第一臺電腦。產品上市後掀起銷售高潮,由於小筆電的加入,筆記型電腦在2008年第三季出貨量首度超越桌上型電腦,比先前2007年預估提早兩年,Eee PC因而被譽為臺灣電腦廠商價值創新的一大步。

    本研究主要的探討問題有四:核心技術能耐發展策略對於產品創新的影響為何? 品牌與ODM廠商在創新產品開發上的合作與分工為何? 品牌廠商因應競爭者之破壞性創新的作法為何? 核心技術能耐為基礎的產品創新在市場上所需具備的成功條件為何?












    In June, 2007, Asus Computer announced her Eee PC in Computex Taipei, Taiwan International Computer Exhibition. The simplified notebook then named “Netbook” due to its lightweight design and focused internet application.

    Eee PC was aimed on consumer market of developed countries, targeted as “Secondary Computer” for existing computer users, as well as first computer to the user of the developing world, the name “Eee” derives from "the three Es", an abbreviation of its advertising slogan for the device: "Easy to learn, Easy to work, Easy to play". By third quarter of 2008, notebook shipped quantity including netbook, had exceeded desktop computer, two years advance from prior market research report’s estimation made before netbook product rollout in 2007. Eee PC was praised as stride-out of value innovation of Taiwan computer industry.

    Problem discoveries and definitions in this research are: first of all, what is the influence of core technology development strategy toward product innovation? Second, how brand owner works with ODM suppliers on innovative product development? Third, how brand owner reacts to disruptive innovation? Last, what are market successful factors of an innovative product which based on core technology competence?

    Analysis framework of this research consists of three aspects: strategy and organization, technology, marketing. As an exploratory study, research design is qualitative research and case study over certain firms: Asus and Acer, with 90% market shares of netbook in year 2008. For data gathering, primary data came from interviews to firms’ management team members, specifically R&D and PM Directors, secondary data studies came from varies sources: research reports, annual reports, and so on. To explore the influence of core technology competence toward product innovation in idea generation and product development stage, study of related theories in advance is necessary: core competence, value chain, disruptive innovation, new product development procedure, absorptive capability, knowledge transmission, and competitive strategy of technology.

    Discoveries of this research are:
    1.Direction and focus of establishing core competence decides the firm’s position in value chain and the value activities firm engaged.
    2.Core technology competence development strategy directs firm’s choice of technology leader or follower, leader focuses on innovative product design, follower focuses on mature technology’s market taking.
    3.Customers perceive value is the key consideration that brand owners work with ODM suppliers. “Allocation and Leverage” are strategy that brand owners manage multiple ODM suppliers.
    4.From OEM to ODM business model, ODM firms start to develop own independent research projects, this trend leads ODM to be technology supplier in foreseeable future. But, research results can only go through brand owners to consumer market.
    5.Key technology suppliers of existing value network will obstruct disruptive innovation products through market’s inertia.
    6.Technology based innovative products can’t have competitive advantage in the market without customer’s perceive value.
    7.Sales marketing team’s participation is important for disruptive innovation during product development stage.
    8.Unexpected new value network will emerge due to uncertainty of high-tech industry, new application out of target market leads to new value network which is different from existing one.
    9.Pioneer frequently tries and error for disruptive innovation product due to uncertainty of market, late entrant learned from pioneer’s experience, and react to market demand efficiently.
    10.Innovative product without technology gap, firm can’t maintain first mover advantage too long, technology follower have chance to transcend in short period.

    Conclusions of this research are summarized from above discoveries, and suggestions to industry firms made by this research can be reference to firms’ development strategy of core technology competence as well as product development of disruptive innovation.
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