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Title: | 企業建構產品生命週期管理系統之研究-以A公司為例 A Case Study on Constructing Product Lifecycle Management System in Enterprise |
Authors: | 顏國安 |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 顏國安 |
Keywords: | 產品生命週期管理 PLM |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 14:47:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣過去在資訊電子產業的蓬勃發展,ISO-9000 之規範扮演重要角色, 但真正落實ISO-9000 之企業卻不多;透過產品生命週期管理(PLM)平台之建構,可協助企業落實ISO-9000 與建立產品研發管理平台。一般而言,PLM 系統包含專案管理、產品資料管理、協同設計管理、甚至知識管理等功能;本研究除建構上述功能外,更把六標準差管理系統的功能結合進來, 以活化整個PLM 系統。
本研究採探索性之個案研究方法,透過資訊科技應用之導入、PLM概論與PLM 管理需求之文獻探討及對個案現狀之分析,逐步擬出PLM之建構策略,進而規劃與建構完成PLM 系統,並實際導入與運作;從系統實際使用的過程, 不斷地探索、發現系統的缺失與使用者的新需求,然後透過改善、使系統更臻完美。本研究所得到的結論如下:
由建構透明化的平台、人員/流程/資料整合應用系統和自動勾稽的系統功能等著手,以落實ISO-9000 管理系統的要求。另外,需由平台功能與特性之需求、整合現有系統之能力及企業文化產生之衝擊等方面的考量著手, 以慎選系統發展平台; 尤其, 很多常見研發問題長久以來一直無法解決, 其實是隱藏在這些問題背後的企業文化所產生之影響, 短期間內若不能改變企業文化, 則企業文化對此系統建構所造成之衝擊應納入考量重點。
二、在Lotus Notes 上建構產品生命週期管理系統的做法方面
以Notes 為主要系統平台, 依整合人員、流程與資料之整合應用架構來建構PLM 系統, 並配合介面程式來整合ERP 與CC/CQ 系統。在Notes 各資料庫之文件上執行人員、流程與資料的整合運作, 再以產品計畫別把需求之文件整合在同一個資料庫上; 然後, 並進行文件之勾稽、更新與跟催工作, 以完成儀表板之管理功能。
知識的整合與應用需要專門化的處理, 新產品研發過程其實就是知識密集的活動,配合研發流程在PLM 系統的推進過程中,就實際需求來建構知識管理的內容與能量是最好的做法。具體的做法可由產品與技術內容的分享,Know-How 的建立及知識庫系統的整合管理等方面著手。
PLM 是應用一系列技術對策來支援產品資訊的協同管理、散播與使用之策略方法,屬於”What”的角色功能;而六標準差管理是應用一系列手法來解決問題之策略方法, 屬於”How”的角色功能。結合過程採漸進方式;初期,把六標準差製造管理手法(DMAIC)轉化為R 表,然後把R 表的流程放在PLM 系統以專案方式來執行, 待管理變異的能量建立後, 再把六標準差設計管理手法(DMADV)植入現行PLM系統的研發流程中。 In the past, Taiwan`s information&electronics industry to flourish,ISO-9000 plays an important role, but few companies are with the true implementation of the ISO-9000; through the construction of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) platform, can help enterprises to implement ISO-9000 and build R&D management platform. In general, PLM system, for function, include project management, product data management, collaborative design management, and knowledge management;this study, in addition to constructing the above-mentioned functions,but also combine Six Sigma management system to activate the entire PLM system.
In this research, using the exploratory case study method, through the literature review for introduction of IT application, PLM concept and PLM management demand, step by step to plan out the PLM strategy for construction and complete the PLM system in design, and then into the field test; from the actual condition of system in operation,with constant exploration and discovery to find the lack of system and the users’demand, we improve it to be more perfect. The research can be concluded as follows:
First, Principles to build the PLM system
The ISO-9000 management system can be implemented by building a transparent platform, integration system in members, processes and information, and automatic auditing function. In addition, the development platform should be selected deliberately by considerations from the need of platform features and characteristics, the ability to integrate existing systems, and the impact of corporate culture; in particular, many common R&D issues long nsolved in management, in fact, is resulted from the corporate culture hidden on these issues, whose impact should be treated as one of main focus if they can’t be changed in a short period of time.
Second, Methods to building the PLM system on Lotus Notes
With Lotus Notes as main system platform, PLM can be constructed by the integrated framework of members, processes, and information in application, with interface prog- rams combining in ERP and CC/CQ system. Run the itegrated operation of members, processes, and information on each document of DBs in Notes, integrate all the documents needed for one targeted product program to one DB, and go for the self-auditing, update and alerting of documents, then completing management functions of dashboard.
Third, practices to combine PLM system with knowledge
The integration and application of knowledge needs for specialized treatment; the research and development of new products is actually done in knowledge-intensive activities. With the progress of R&D procedure in PLM system, to build on the actual content of KM based on real demand is the best solution. The practice can start from the sharing of content in products and technologies, the build of Know-How, and the integrated management of knowledge base.
Four, practices to combine PLM with Six Sigma management.
PLM is methods of strategy using a series of technical measures to support the collaborative management, dissemination and use of product information, belonging to the role of "What" in function ; and Six Sigma management is methods of strategy using a series of tactics to solve the problem, belonging to the role of "How" in function. By a gradual approach, transform the techniques in manufacturing management of the Six Sigma (DMAIC) into R table at early stage, put the flow of R table to the PLM system to excute it by project type, and then implement the tactics of Design for Six Sigma (DMADV) into the existing flow of PLM system while the energy of managing variations to be set up. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 92932929 97 表目錄----------------------------------------------------IV
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景及動機-----------------------------------------1
1.2 研究目的與問題-----------------------------------------3
1.3 論文架構-----------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------5
2.1 資訊科技應用之導入--------------------------------------5
2.1.1 資訊科技應用的概念----------------------------------5
2.1.2 資訊科技應用導入之關鍵性成功因素----------------------7
2.1.3 資訊科技應用導入之方法論-----------------------------8
2.2 產品生命週期管理(PLM)----------------------------------12
2.2.1 PLM的演進----------------------------------------12
2.2.2 PLM的定義----------------------------------------15
2.2.3 PLM的架構----------------------------------------18
2.3 產品生命週期管理系統之管理需求--------------------------22
2.3.1 專案管理------------------------------------------24
2.3.2 產品資料管理--------------------------------------27
2.3.3 知識管理------------------------------------------30
2.3.4 六標準差管理--------------------------------------37
2.3.5 資訊系統------------------------------------------45
2.4 本章小結----------------------------------------------49
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------50
3.1 前言-------------------------------------------------50
3.2 研究架構----------------------------------------------52
3.3 研究設計----------------------------------------------54
3.4 研究限制----------------------------------------------55
第四章 個案研究--------------------------------------------56
4.1 個案公司介紹------------------------------------------56
4.1.1 公司背景介紹--------------------------------------56
4.1.2 主要產品與規劃------------------------------------58
4.1.3 產業背景簡介--------------------------------------60
4.1.4 新產品開發作業之程序-------------------------------63
4.1.5 新產品開發作業常見之研發問題------------------------68
4.2 PLM之建構策略-----------------------------------------71
4.2.1 系統平台之選擇------------------------------------71
4.2.2 整合相關系統--------------------------------------73
4.3 PLM系統之規劃與建構-----------------------------------74
4.3.1 整合應用之架構------------------------------------74
4.3.2 內容之規劃----------------------------------------79
4.3.3 建構完成之內容------------------------------------87
4.4 PLM系統之導入-----------------------------------------98
4.5 PLM系統之成效分析------------------------------------101
4.6 本章小結---------------------------------------------103
第五章 研究發現與討論--------------------------------------105
5.1 最適化的產品生命週期管理系統的建構原則------------------105
5.2 在Lotus Notes 上建構產品生命週期管理系統的做法---------109
5.3 知識管理與產品生命週期管理系統結合的做法----------------111
5.4 六標準差管理與產品生命週期管理系統結合的做法-------------114
第六章 結論及建議------------------------------------------116
6.1 研究結論---------------------------------------------116
6.2 研究建議---------------------------------------------118
6.2.1 對於實務界的建議----------------------------------118
6.2.2 後續研究的建議---------------------------------- 119
附錄四---------------------------------------------------132 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092932929 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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