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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/38410
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    Title: 在虛擬平台上的網站流量發展策略
    The strategies of web traffic development on virtual platform
    Authors: 何至元
    Ho, Tzu Yuan
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shari S. C.
    Ho, Tzu Yuan
    Keywords: 網站流量
    Website Traffic
    Page View
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 14:48:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來因網際網路盛行,各行各業皆面臨了全球國際化的競爭,於是虛擬平台的經營便成為大家努力的方向,如何提高虛擬平台的網路流量已成為平台經營者所重視的議題。
    In the internet era, the most significant issue for platform operators is how to design and manage the virtual platform to increase the web traffic flow.

    The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allows real estate agents to provide product knowledge through different kinds of virtual community. Consumers can search, purchase and sell real estate items through these virtual platforms. Consequently, virtual service providers endeavor to enhance platform operation and service quality to attract visitors. This research proposes a research framework to investigate determinants of web traffic.

    Based on literature review and related researches this study analyzed the causes and effects of web traffic. A few traffic-affecting factors were identified. These factors include: content management, marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and business models. Next, five different types of web sites in the real estates industry in Taiwan were selected for multiple case studies. The cross case analysis revealed that all companies have applied search engine, keywords, and SEO (xxx) to enhance users’ access to the web sites. The impact of technology use and system functionality on users’ intention to participate is of no great concern. However, the advertising effort seems to be the key determinant for boosting website traffic. Further, although several researches consider free-of-charge as a winning business model the analysis results reveal that well-managed contents can bring in customers who are willing to pay for the services. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites can assist the growth of the traffic flow on a virtual platform.

    Since Internet is widely used these decades, various industries have been occurred the global competitions. The most significant issues for platform operators are how to conduct virtual platform well and how to increase web flow rate of virtual platform.

    The mature usage of Internet initiates the real estate industry to offer services through Internet. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allow real estate agents to provide real estate related knowledge through community websites. Consumers can also search, purchase and sell real estate items through the virtual platform. Consequently, the research of how to increase virtual platform flow will enhance platform operators efficiently advance service quality of platforms. This research proposes a research framework to investigate what determinants effect web traffic strategy and analyze web traffic of five real estate companies by collecting Reach and Pageview from Alexa website.

    The Framework of this research is as follows. First, we analyze the causes and effects of web traffic based on literature. Next, we compare the effects of web traffic among selected cases to recognize which determinants influence web traffic.
    The analytical results reveal that all companies use search engine, keywords, and SEO to enhance the performance of web traffic. The difference of all tools among cases is insignificant. However, the advertising effort is the key determinant for whole website traffic.

    In addition, many researchers and literature consider free is the major business model for platform operators. Nevertheless, this research discovers the consumers accept for charging few fees and the content and service of the platform increase the traffic.
    The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites assists the increment of traffic for virtual platform. Finally, this study aims to provide strategic suggestions to companies in virtual estimate industry.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932079
    Data Type: thesis
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