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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/38386

    Title: 創新系統產品之組織環境、開發及與使用者共創-以Eee PC、iPod及iPhone為例
    The Organizational Environment, Development and User Co-Creating of Innovative System-Products-Case Studies of Eee PC, iPod, and iPhone
    Authors: 洪以旼
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Keywords: 與使用者共創
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 14:43:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 從2007年至今,兩個系統產品華碩的Eee PC及蘋果的iPhone震撼市場,Eee PC更被稱做為破壞式創新。這兩個產品的發展及演化是非常值得研究,本研究欲探討:
    然而,華碩在Eee PC上對於共創的努力成果不如蘋果豐碩,乃肇因兩個案之使用者社群特性不同,分別為集體協作社群及消費者生產社群。因此企業必須制訂出利於適合使用者社群之回饋模式、必須與開發人員建立良好的溝通並將過程透明。本研究亦發現,若欲成功與使用者共創,企業必須建構出優於既有平台之解決方案,以打破使用者習慣,才能有效共創。 
    From the year of 2007 to the present-day, two systematic products, Eee PC of ASUS and iPhone of Apple, appear in the IT market and shock the world as best examples of destructive-innovation. It is thought worthwhile to take advantage of our understanding of the development and evolution of these two products in the past three decades to investigate:
    1. How an enterprise is able to break through the old ways of thinking of traditional hardware makers, and able to integrate hardware, software and services into an innovative system-product;
    2. How to create a platform for successful user- developer co-creating.
    The research method of this paper includes literature review, interview, and case analysis. The research results reveal that:
    1. In order to develop an innovative system-product, an independent task force comprise staffs of different expertise should be set up outside the mainstream organization of the enterprise; and the independent task force should be given strong support and participation from the top level leadership of the enterprise;
    2. In order to create an environment of user-developer co-creating, the function of the innovative system-product should be designed according to the demand of users; and the information of the users’requirement comes from the party of developer in the course of development;
    3. In order to obtain feedback from the users for further improvement, a prototype of the innovative system-product should be made for the users to perform a trial run.
    When Asus unveiled their Eee PC in 2007, they did try very hard to integrate services and software, and to develop software market through user co-creating, just as the way Apple had done it. But the outcome was and is still not as successful as that of Apple.
    Both Asus and Apple tried user co-creating, but the outcome is different. The difference of outcome stems from the different characteristics of user’s society, i.e. Mass Collaboration Community, and consumers production society. It is therefore that an enterprise should set up a feedback model suitable for user’s society.
    The research of this paper also reveals that a successful user co-creating should be based upon a platform which is superior to the existing one, and that the habit of users can be modified (changed) in compliance with the new development of the user co-creating environment.
    圖目錄 VI
    表目錄 VII
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2
    第二章 文獻回顧 4
    第一節 創新組織環境 4
    第二節 創新產品的開發 7
    第三節 顧客角色的變化 18
    第四節 企業與顧客共創價值 23
    第三章 研究方法 27
    第一節 研究定位與方法 27
    第二節 研究流程 29
    第三節 研究架構與變數 30
    第四章 個案描述與分析 32
    第一節 華碩電腦 32
    第二節 蘋果公司 69
    第三節 個案比較 111
    第五章 研究發現 112
    第六章 結論與建議 125
    第一節 研究結論 125
    第二節 研究貢獻與研究限制 127
    第三節 後續研究建議 128
    參考文獻 129
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096359021
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