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    题名: 產品專案團隊跨專案知識管理研究-以台灣自有品牌消費性電子產品為例
    Knowledge Management in projects environment of Product team communication—Taiwanese Electronic Brand Products
    作者: 郭君怡
    Kuo, Jun Yi
    贡献者: 李仁芳
    Lee, Jen Fang
    Kuo, Jun Yi
    关键词: 專案管理
    Project Management
    Knowledge Management
    Project Communication
    Product Manager
    Project Team
    New Product developement
    日期: 2008
    上传时间: 2010-04-08 16:03:00 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 由於產業競爭加劇、工作變動速度提升,專案已經成為企業工作常態方式,我國電子電機產業自經營代工業務開始,將每一張代工訂單視為企業內部的一個生產製造專案,而轉型經營自有品牌OBM業務後,不同於過去專注生產製造階段的專案工作,品牌產品專案的執行必須包括整體產品生命週期,從產品定義、規格設計、生產製造、市場銷售到顧客回應,產品專案流程涵蓋各式獨立的專案工作,隨著高度互動的專案工作成為常態,管理多個專案工作之間的互動合作、溝通協調,以及累積各個專案執行的經驗,成為組織專案管理及知識管理領域中越來越重要的工作,本研究欲了解在企業專案工作環境下,各獨立專案工作為完成創造單一品牌產品目的,專案彼此之間的互動合作,從產品專案的開發流程、專案分工溝通互動、專案團隊組織三方面,深入瞭解自有品牌產品團隊的跨專案工作互動與產品知識管理。

    跳脫過往專注單一專案關鍵成功因素討論的專案管理研究,本研究針對目前企業多專案互動的常態工作環境,以動態角度綜觀探討多個專案之間的互動溝通;同時將過往知識管理文獻多以組織整體為主的角度,進一步深入專案執行階段的角度;本研究也不同於過往宏觀角度討論代工業務及自有品牌企業經營策略之研究,以微觀角度詳細描述品牌產品專案之開發流程,挑選Acer、ASUS、MIO、HTC四家台灣經營自有品牌消費性電子產品績優企業,討論Acer液晶顯示器、ASUS主機板、ASUS筆記型電腦、ASUS智慧型手機、MIO導航產品及HTC智慧型手機六個自有品牌產品個案,以「產品開發專案流程」與「跨專案知識管理程序」兩個程序構面,訪談九位帶領產品專案團隊的產品專案經理,透過實際的第一手經驗資料 ,詳細撰寫產品專案開發流程,從產品定義、規格設計、生產製造、市場銷售到顧客回應各階段之整體開發,深入分析產品專案中涵蓋的各個獨立專案工作彼此之間的分工溝通互動、專案團隊組織、專案經理工作,並探討個案產品開發與市場的互動,以及跨專案的知識管理,從市場趨勢及顧客回饋兩方面檢視自有品牌產品在技術面及行銷面的知識吸收。

    研究發現產品專案開發流程包括產品定義、生產協調、市場回饋三大階段,由不同專案團隊專職各個階段,其中產品開發團隊與研發生產團隊之間的專案分工溝通互動,具有一致性的緊密互動 ;專案團隊組織方面則發現,產品專案團隊日常主要以輕量型團隊執行衍生性產品專案,而進行新創產品時,則以重量型團隊搭配平台性產品專案執行。本研究以衍生性產品專案/平台性產品之專案分類方式,發現產品專案在執行上的不同特性,對專案管理體制有許多影響,如越常執行平台性產品專案的品牌產品,與市場團隊之間的合作連結越緊密,也越重視區域行銷單位的市場回應知識與內部研發團隊的市場技術知識。

    As the business environment goes more challenging, all the organization functional projects in different stages need to start its work earlier than the product process. All the functional projects in different stages of the product process seem need to work almost at the same time to deal with the shorter product lifecycle. Managing through projects has become a standard way of doing business and now can be seen from an integral part of many organization’s business strategies.

    As Taiwanese electronic product companies transformed the critical RD and manufacturing knowledge which is from the project-based OEM/ODM business experience for decades to OBM business managing, the OBM Product Project covers all the product lifecycle and has wider working process than an OEM/ODM Project. The OBM Product Project creates product by several independent projects of different RD functional areas, which led by different team leaders, processing through all the stages of the product cycle. Without well interactions among the independent projects during an OBM Product Project’s lifecycle, once the knowledge assets lost between the projects working process connection, final product of the OBM Product Project can be fail or totally not match up the original product design. So how do the best Taiwanese electronic brand products make it? In this research you will find out what the real OBM Product Project working process is of the famous brand products as Acer, ASUS, MIO and HTC. How the independent projects communicate with upstream and downstream team to make the OBM Product Project successful. Also reveal the real working detail of all kinds of project leader in project team organization under different company organization.

    The structure of this research for cases writing and analyzing structure is following the New Product Project process and the Sequence of Knowledge Management process as the working process sequence to discuss the communication between project leaders and the interactions between the independent projects of the Product Project steps by Four Mode of Upstream-Downstream Interaction . The case materials is interviewed from 11 Product/Project Managers, also analyzed numerous second materials from magazines, reports, conferences and so on, working on revealing the real working process form all the independent projects of the OBM Product Project.
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