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    Title: 網站內容由使用者提供的Web 2.0網站之價值共創與創新事業模式研究
    A study of value co-creation and innovation business model of aggregator type Web 2.0 websites
    Authors: 江芳儀
    Chiang, Fang Yi
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Lee, Jen Fang
    Chiang, Fang Yi
    Keywords: Web2.0
    Web 2.0
    Value Co-create
    Business model
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 14:43:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在傳統的企業思維中,價值乃是由企業創造的,由企業單獨決定其產品和服務提供什麼價值,消費者僅僅代表對公司產品的需求;但隨著產業環境的發展,尤其是網路經濟時代的來臨,生產者與消費者之間的界限開始模糊。而在過去資訊單向流通的網路世界中,人們在網路上代表的僅僅是一個創造流量的虛擬人物,但隨著資訊科技的進步,網路技術的發展,人們在網際網路中開始彼此協作,發揮集體智慧向全世界發聲;在這樣的發展情況下造就了Web2.0名詞的誕生。
    根據台灣網路資訊中心所公佈的2007年一月「台灣寬頻網路使用調查」報告顯示,台灣目前的網路普及率已達到67.77%,全世界的上網人口也已經超過了4億5千萬人;而在2006年第一季,美國Web2.0相關廠商即獲得8億7000萬美元的創投資金,在這樣的熱潮中,有許許多多創業者爭相投入網路市場當中。因此本研究目的在於窺探台灣的 Web 2.0 網站如何進行事業模式創新,讓目前仍停留在Web 1.0時代的網站業者,或是目前欲投入網路產業的創業家瞭解Web2.0網站的成功之道。本研究首先整理學者、網路趨勢家們對於Web2.0概念的討論與分析,歸納出Web2.0之定義;並以Hamel(2000)所提出的事業觀念創新為基礎,並結合Prahalad & Ramswamy(2003)共創價值理論與Brush, Greene, Hart & Edelman(1997)所提出之新創事業資本架構,建構出本研究的研究架構,並以網站內容由使用者提供的Web2.0網站為研究標的,深入探索其創新概念之形成、創業歷程,以及其如何進行與顧客共創價值之事業模式創新。
    In the past business mindset, people think that the value was created by enterprises. Enterprises decide what value their products and services provide, and the consumer only means the demand of their product. With the industry environment changes and the internet economics’ coming, the boundary between producer and consumer is getting more and more indistinct. This kind of situation also takes place in the internet. The website only provides the information with their desires and the users for the website are just the flow creator. As the progress of the information technology and the internet technology, people are getting to cooperate by their collective intelligence through the internet. And the phrases“Web2.0”is born to represent this new internet development.
    According to the research of July 2007 Taiwan broadband transmission investigated by TWNIC, the internet popularity rate of Taiwan has reached 67.77%, and there are more than 450 million network users around the world. In this kind of trend, the Web2.0 companies in the US has received $ 870 million from venture capitalists, and under the trend, plenty of start-up companies has devoted themselves in the business. So this study’s objective is to give a preliminary study on how the Web2.0 websites in Taiwan construct the innovative business model, and to let the new followers or the old Web1.0 websites know how to succeed in this competitive market.
    This study will focus on the aggregator type Web2.0 website, research how the innovative concept come into being, start-up history, and how they create the business model of the value co-create with customer. At the beginning, this study will generalize the definition of the Web2.0 in this study by reviewing discusses and analyses which were proposed by scholars and internet trend observers, and then propose the research construct base on the business concept innovation (Hamel, 2000), value co-creation theory (Prahalad & Ramswamy, 2003), and the start-up capital construction.
    After the case study and research, there are five research results:
    1.The aggregator web2.0 website’s innovative concept is not only come from entrepreneur but also the website users. And there are many people participate the concept create process.
    2.The aggregator web2.0 website’s core strategies will depend on if the entrepreneur is the lead user. Their target market strategy is to focus on one single niche market at the beginning, then extend to other niche market, and finally aim at mass market.
    3.The strategic assets for the aggregator web2.0 website are not the key component. But with the website’s growth, the strategic assets will affect the core strategies’ construction and implementation.
    4.The aggregator web2.0 website provides the value co-creation designed customer interface on its platform.
    5.The aggregator web2.0 website builds their value network by content construction, complementary functions construction, value exchange and other alliances.
    第一章 緒論...............1
    第一節 研究背景與動機......1
    第二節 研究目的與問題......2
    第三節 章節介紹...........3
    第二章 文獻探討...........4
    第一節 網際網路的發展......4
    第二節 事業模式..........16
    第三節 共創價值理論.......31
    第三章 研究方法............39
    第一節 研究設計與流程.....39
    第二節 研究架構與研究變數 .42
    第三節 研究對象..........48
    第四節 研究限制..........51
    第四章 個案介紹與分析.....52
    第一節 無名小站..........52
    第二節 愛情公寓..........73
    第三節 HEMiDEMi共享書籤..91
    第五章 研究發現.........108
    第六章 研究結論與建議....133
    第一節 研究結論.........133
    第二節 研究建議.........134
    第三節 後續研究建議......135
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094359009
    Data Type: thesis
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