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    Title: 電子設計自動化技術對台灣半導體產業價值網的影響
    The Impact of EDA Technology to Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Value Net
    Authors: 林毓柔
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Keywords: 價值鏈
    value chain
    value net
    semiconductor industry
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-04-08 15:57:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣半導體產業由於產業群聚效應促成產業的興盛,2005年台灣整體的半導體產業產值已達新台幣一兆一千億元以上,更創造科學園區十萬員工的產業族群,而由於整體半導體產業的基礎深厚,台灣半導體產業在全球半導體產業可說是具有舉足輕重的地位,有著從上而下完整的半導體產業供應鏈,相當具有產業發展的優勢。

    電子設計自動化技術可說是IC產業的源頭,但是在EDA產業裡,(Electronic Design Automation 電子設計自動化; 以下簡稱EDA),只有少數全球性的EDA廠商將研發資源投注在台灣;國內半導體產業賴以設計晶片研發的EDA工具幾乎完全掌握在外商手裡,對台灣半導體產業的整體發展實屬不利。


    The prosperity of Taiwan semiconductor industry is facilitated by the industry cluster effect. In 2005, the total Taiwan semiconductor industry’s value had amounted to above 1.1 trillion NTD and IC industry creates one hundred thousand jobs opportunity in Science Park. Built on a structure that emphasizes horizontal division and vertical integration, the IC industry has delivered an economic miracle to Taiwan. Because Taiwan semiconductor industry has a well organized infrastructure and a complete supply chain, it plays an very important role in worldwide semiconductor industry with superiority.
    We may say that EDA (Electronic Design Automation; hereafter refers as EDA) technology is the beginning of IC industry. But in EDA industry, only few global EDA companies deployed R&D resources in Taiwan. The EDA tools which Taiwan semiconductor companies rely on developing IC design are almost completely being grasped in foreign EDA companies. This situation is very disadvantageous to Taiwan IC industry. Therefore, Taiwan government proclaimed that developing EDA talents and products will be the first priority plan in "National SoC (System on Chip) Program". This Program hopes to integrate EDA software, and to provide an outstanding design environment for the use of global systems design firms.

    This research is focusing on three major question groups as following:

    1. How is the interaction among semiconductor industry companies in Taiwan IC industry value chain? What are important value creation activities among enterprises in Taiwan IC industry?

    2. What is the roadmap of EDA technology? How is the EDA industry developing?

    3. What is the influence of EDA technology regarding to the semiconductor industry value net? What are the interactions and relations between EDA industry and Taiwan semiconductor industry? What is the impact of EDA technology to the value creations of Taiwan semiconductor industry dynamic value net?

    First, this research uses Value Chain Theory to analyze the interaction and value creation activities among Taiwan semiconductor industry companies. Secondly, this research develops a “Dynamic Value Net Model” from Value Net Theory then to analyze Taiwan semiconductor industry. Third, this research analyzes the affiliation between each players in Taiwan IC industry dynamic value net and the interaction and co-opetition relationship between EDA vendors and semiconductor companies. Moreover, this research analyzes the influence of EDA technology innovation regarding Taiwan IC industry value net.

    There are four major findings in this research as below:

    1. EDA Play an Important Role in IC Industry

    This research points out that EDA technology plays a very important role in IC industry, as it shows in Figure A-1. EDA is a necessary technology for IC design and PCB industry. The EDA software industry is located the most upstream position in IC design industry and IC manufacturing industry value chain. Through EDA technology, we may reduce the IC design cycle time and raise IC manufacturing yield rate which can enhance IC industry competitive advantage.

    2. The Co-opetition Relationship in Taiwan IC Industry Value Net

    This research analyzes the IC industry co-opertition relationship in Taiwan IC industry value net. This research figures out the existing complicate co-opertition relationship including “customer-supplier” relations, “complementor” relations, “competition” relations between each players in Taiwan IC industry value net.

    3. Taiwan IC industry Dynamic Value Net Model Analysis

    This research analyzes the interactions among EDA vendors, IC design companies and Foundries in Taiwan semiconductor industry value net through dynamic value net model analysis. This research discovers that Foundries are acting as value integrators in Taiwan IC industry value net aggressively. There are four major value creation activities in the value net:

    (1) e-Service.
    (2) Provide “IC design reference flow”, including DFM (Design for Manufacturing) support.
    (3) Build EDA alliance to provide design support.
    (4) CyberShuttle.

    4. Impact of EDA Technology to Taiwan IC Industry Value Net

    The contribution of this research is acknowledging that EDA technology has positive influence to semiconductor industry value net by analyzing EDA industry and technology. First, to the IC design companies, EDA technology has positive influence to R&D capability, cost control capability, active market entrance capability, cooperation network relationship and intellectual property protection. Furthermore, to Foundries, EDA technology has positive influence to R&D capability, market value creation, cost control capability, active market entrance capability, cooperation network relationship and customer service value. Because this research induces the dynamic value net model, the following researchers may use the model to analyze the dynamic change in any industry value net if applicable.

    This research suggests that Taiwan IC industry should establish an outstanding design environment and services for global systems design firms, especially EDA software. These measures enable Taiwan to maintain its semiconductor manufacturing lead and grow the crucial design and design service business.
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