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    Title: 能源管理服務業營運模式與智慧財產佈局策略之分析
    The analysis of business model and intellectual property strategy of energy service companies (ESCO)
    Authors: 陳志承
    Chen, Charlie, Chih-Chen,
    Contributors: 劉江彬

    Liu, Paul, C.C.
    Chiou, J.D.

    Chen, Charlie, Chih-Chen,
    Keywords: 能源管理服務
    Energy Service Company
    Energy Management Company
    Energy Saving Performance Contract
    Intellectual Property
    Business Model
    Energy Efficiency
    Renewable Energy
    Residential Energy Consumption
    Centralized Energy Management
    Distributed Energy Resources
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-08 15:53:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於石化能源的蘊藏量有限,各國政府目前以能源的安全供給與環保的使用做為主要的能源政策,經過各國公部門與私部門多年來的努力,許多替代能源的技術雖然開始商品化,但實際上對於傳統石化能源依賴度的減少,仍舊有限。反觀節能技術雖然表面上不如屬於”開源”概念的再生能源響亮,但技術的成熟度與產業化對於減少石化能源依賴的貢獻度並不亞於開源的效果,尤其許多發展中的國家短期內勢必無法負擔新的再生能源技術所要付出的昂貴能源費用,能源管理服務業所能提供的節能效果,可以同時解決能源效率低落所造成的浪費以及環境的衝擊。
    1. 能源管理服務業不宜將有限資源過分集中於發展太陽能與風力發電技術
    2. 以美國市場為鏡,以中國大陸能源管理市場為目標
    3. 積極從事中國大陸能源管理服務業相關技術之專利佈局
    4. ”中央能源管理服務系統”概念的導入-節能減排的技術與服務的創新
    5. 發展能源管理服務業住宅之應用
    6. 創新的融資模式
    7. 人員的培訓與教育
    Due to the limited deposits of fusil energy, the safety and environment protection of energy use ate the most two crucial issues among the countries. After decades of development, alternative energy commercialization successfully started in developed countries. Nevertheless, it’s still not material enough comparing to the energy consumption now days. However, the effect of the energy efficiency technologies is far more practical for developing countries that do not have enough budget for alternative renewable energy research and development. With effective energy management, the Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) can reduce significantly the waste of energy and the influence to the environment while mitigate the impact of the economical growth of emerging countries.
    ESCOs profit from the energy conservation of their clients by enhance the energy efficiency in various categories including utilities, government, industrial and commercial sectors. According to present study, European countries and Japan in Asia have already developed outstanding environmental friendly policies both in public and private sectors. On the other hand, highly energy consumption country like United States and rapidly growing China just started to deal with this global warming problem and hopefully can still maintain the economy growth at the same time. Undoubtedly, we face the same issue here in Taiwan. As a result, this study is trying to gather and analyze information about ESCO industry in United States, China and Taiwan from three aspects, governmental policies, industry environment and intellectual property strategies to conclude as well as raise opinion and suggestion about the future development of ESCOs.

    This study concludes in following opinion and suggestion,
    1. ESCOs shouldn’t emphasize all their resources to conduct Solar and Wind power technologies instead of energy efficiency technologies.
    2. Learn the track of ESCOs in United States and focus on the market in China.
    3. Aggressively develop intellectual property strategies about ESCO related subjects in China.
    4. Introduce the concept of “Centralized Energy Management System” and encourage innovation of law carbon discharge and high efficiency technologies.
    5. Develop ESCO model in residential application.
    6. Develop creative fund raising tools for ESCOs.
    7. Invest in education and training program related to ESCO industry.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096361005
    Data Type: thesis
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