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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/38362
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    Title: 下一代網路資訊服務與系統供應商之成功經營模式研究
    Authors: 陳建宏
    Chen, Chien Hung
    Contributors: 郭更生
    Chen, Chien Hung
    Keywords: 經營模式
    Business Model
    All IP Network
    Triple Play
    Quality of Service
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2010-04-08 15:34:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 下一代網路(Next Generation Network,NGN)是因應未來語音、數據、影像等Triple Play之資訊服務對頻寬與網路能力要求日益增加下所提出的一種新網路形態概念。同時,NGN以IP 多媒體子系統(IP Multimedia Subsystem,IMS)為其核心可以降低系統供應商的營運佈建成本。NGN強調的固網行動融合(Fixed Mobile Convergence,FMC)與全IP網路(All IP Network)化以及強化服務品質(Quality of Service,QoS)精神,都使資訊服務與系統供應業者需要思考出一套新的經營模式(Business Model),使其能在NGN上獲利。本研究之主要目的為以NGN的架構與特性為出發,剖析此一網路的數位匯流趨勢與其成功經營模式研究。
    本研究採個案研究法(Case Study Method),透過次級資料的蒐集以及與本研究有關之文獻探討的方式,找出未來NGN的經營模式形貌,並透過訪談相關業者來佐證本研究所提出經營模式之合理性。
    Next Generation Network,NGN, is a new form of internet concept of Triple play informational service integrated voice mail, data and video as the requirements of more wider bandwidth and high internet power increase. Meanwhile, The core of IP Multimedia Subsystem,IMS, NGN targets can lower operational cost to system suppliers. NGN emphasizes the spirit to combine Fixed Mobile Convergence,FMC, all IP network and Enhanced Quality of Service. The spirit makes the suppliers of informational service and system to think a new business model to make profits in NGN. The research of this thesis bases on NGN’s structure and features to analyze the trend of digital convergence in internet and succeeded business model.
    This essay adopts Case Study Research. By collecting sub data and relative document research figures out future image of NGN business model. Besides, it is interviewed with pertaining businesses to testify the reality of business model offered in this thesis.
    Owning to the scope of informational service business is unlimited, the thesis is chosen VoIP and IPTV as main targets to find out an appropriate and a profitable business model in this informational field. Furthermore, to business user, NGN can support industries to increase competitive ability and gain useful business information, decrease communicative cost and upgrade the performance of MIS
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095355063
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理學系] 學位論文

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