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    Title: 應徵者面談焦慮在甄選面談中的角色:探討面試官行為和特性的調節效果
    The role of applicant interview anxiety in selection interviews: The moderating effects of interviewer behaviors and characteristics
    Authors: 黃嘉雄
    Huang, Chia-Hsiung
    Contributors: 蔡維奇
    Tsai, Wei-Chi
    Huang, Chia-Hsiung
    Keywords: 甄選面談
    selection interview
    anxiety emotional state
    interviewer evaluation
    Affective event theory
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 14:43:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 應徵者處於甄選面談的情境或多或少都會經驗到一定程度的焦慮,過去研究指出焦慮的確會對應徵者行為表現,以及面試官評價產生影響,本研究回顧文獻證據提出焦慮情緒狀態或許應視為造成面試官評價偏誤的來源之一;由情感事件理論的觀點,探討「氣氛營造」與「溫暖行為」能否降低應徵者焦慮情緒狀態對於應徵者行為的影響;以及探討面試官的「面談經驗」和「歸因傾向」對於應徵者行為和面試官評價的調節效果。本研究採取模擬面談法(mock interview),邀請一年內即將謀職的應徵者,以及具面談經驗的業界人士擔任面試官,進行一對一的甄選面談,蒐集應徵者和面試官雙方的配對資料,共計94筆。統計分析結果顯示「面談焦慮情緒狀態」對於「面試官評價」的影響,係完全透過應徵者「焦慮行為」所中介。並未如預期發現面試官「溫暖行為」與「氣氛營造」等行為,削弱應徵者焦慮情緒對其行為的影響,以及「面談經驗」和「歸因傾向」等面試官個人特性調節焦慮行為與面試官評價的負向關係。本研究分別針對應徵者和面試官雙方提出實務建議,以及提出未來可能的研究方向。
    Prior studies found that applicants’ anxious state influence applicants’ behaviors and in turn interviewer evaluations. The present study argues that anxiety may be one of transient errors biasing interviewer evaluations. Taking interpersonal skills and trait anxiety specific to employment interview into account, this study examines the relationship among anxious emotional state, applicants’ behaviors, and interviewer evaluation. Based upon affective event theory as overarching framework, I propose that rapport building and warm behavior of interviewers as affective events may generate applicants’ positive emotion mitigates the negative influence of anxiety state on applicants’ behavior. In addition, prior studies suggested that interview experience and attribution preferences influence information processes of interviewers. These interviewers’ characteristics may minimize the negative impact of applicants’ anxious behavior on interviewer evaluation. Mock interview with 94 perspective applicants at the time in pursuing jobs and 37 EMBA students as interviewer were recruited from 9 universities. Results of regression analyses showed that applicants’ anxious behavior mediate the relationship between anxiety state and interviewer evaluation. However, the moderating effects of rapport building and warm behavior on the relationship between interviewees’ anxiety state and behaviors did not receive support. The effects of applicants’ anxious behaviors on interviewer evaluation do not vary as function of interview experience and attribution preference. Discussions and future suggestions were provided.
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