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Title: | 圖文創作部落格使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 A study of the user motivation, behavior, gratification and loyalty on creative graphic blogs |
Authors: | 黃郁珮 |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 黃郁珮 |
Keywords: | 使用與滿足 部落格 圖文創作部落格 使用行為 uses and gratifications blog creative graphic user behavior |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 14:42:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以「使用與滿足」理論探討圖文創作部落格閱聽人使用行為,以時常造訪圖文創作部落格之網友為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷325份,並針對知名圖文創作部落客及圖文創作部落格的重度使用者進行深度訪談。
經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議想經營圖文創作部落格之部落客,應多著墨於有趣、好笑、生活化及流行話題的相關內容,並提高發文頻率,藉由舉辦實體活動,結合虛擬與實體創作,達到延伸性的長久經營。 In this study, "uses and gratifications" theory of creative graphic blog audience usage behavior. To the users frequently visit the creative graphic blog as the research object. The present study, use"questionnaire" and " interviews" to research, both quantitative and qualitative study of two kinds of ways. Sample survey questionnaire via the Internet way, 325 questionnaires were usable, and for the well-known graphic creative bloggers and fax heavy users interviews.
The purpose of this study was to explore the use of creative graphic blog readers motivation, behavior, satisfaction, loyalty variables of the content.Analysis of different demographic variables on the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty of the differences. Test the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty to the relationship. By quantitative analysis and qualitative interviews with creative graphic bloggers make marketing recommendations.
The results showed that creative graphic blogs for readers are women, mainly of office workers, mostly age to 21-35 years of age, educational level to college as the most northern area of residence-based. To the use of motivation is "leisure motivation" factor in the highest. The use of behavior, the reader is usually every day or every 3-5 days would be a return visit, we can see creative graphics blog readers adhesion is high.
The use of satisfaction on overall satisfaction high, in which the "joy
satisfaction" factor high. On the use of loyalty by "revisit loyalty" factor in the highest.
Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this study suggests that wish to create a blog of business creative graphic bloggers should be more to write about interesting, funny, daily life and popular topic relevant content and increase issued a document frequency, by holding physical activity, combination of virtual and physical creativity, to achieve an extension of long-term business. |
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