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Title: | 大台北地區計程車駕駛人收聽警察廣播電臺轉台行為分析 An analysis of taxi drivers` channel-switching patterns while listening to the PRS in Taipei |
Authors: | 林秋綿 Lin, Chiu Mien |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 林秋綿 Lin, Chiu Mien |
Keywords: | 警察廣播電台 公營電台 轉台行為 交通專業電台 路況 計程車駕駛人 Police Radio Station (PRS) public radio station channel-switching patterns traffic radio traffic information taxi driver |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 14:42:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以警察廣播電臺台北臺為例,探討身為交通專業電台的警察廣播電台,在面對電視與其他廣播媒體,紛紛加入路況資訊提供的競爭下,是否仍具有其優勢?以因工作需要而必需長時間使用道路的計程車駕駛人為研究對象,探討大台北地區計程車駕駛人收聽警廣節目的主要目的為何?在什麼情況下容易轉台?節目內容與傳播設備等因素,是否也會影響計程車駕駛人的轉台意願?
研究發現,收聽警廣台北臺節目的計程車駕駛人,只有兩種類型,一種為「計劃型」收聽,另一種則採取「再評估模式」。計程車駕駛人因警廣路況報導正確而收聽,但卻也會因為資訊不夠即時而轉台;收聽時間大多集中在上、下班的尖峰時間。最欣賞的節目主持人,則以「路況報得好、報得專業」最獲青睞,甚至有六成以上的計程車駕駛人會因為喜歡某個節目主持人,而固定收聽其節目;另外,聲音悅耳、節目多元豐富與音樂好聽與否,也是吸引計程車駕駛人是否繼續收聽的重要因素。除了路況資訊的獲得外,計程車駕駛人對於生活資訊的需求,遠高於新聞氣象、綜藝音樂及公共事務。至於車上有無其他音響設備,亦將影響計程車駕駛人的轉台行為。 The purpose of this study is to determine whether the Police Radio Station (PRS), specifically the one in Taipei, is still necessary since television and many other forms of media provide the same service of traffic broadcasting. The research subjects for this study are Taipei taxi drivers who spend long hours on the road each day. Four questions form the basis of this study:
1. What is the main reason that taxi drivers listen to PRS?
2. Under what circumstances do they switch channels?
3. Does the content of the program affect their listening choices?
4. Does the type of broadcasting equipment affect their listening choices?
The results indicate that there are two kinds of taxi drivers who listen to the programs of the PRS in Taipei. The first kind follows the "planning strategy" and the other kind follows the "re-evaluation strategy." Drivers listen to the PRS for its accuracy of traffic information; however, they will switch to another channel when there is a lack of substantial information being broadcast. Their listening time usually occurs during the rush hours, when they are getting on or getting off work. Drivers primarily prefer anchors whose information is "not only great but also professional." More than 60 percent of the drivers in this study report that they will continuously listen to one program if it is hosted by the anchor whom they favor. In addition, three other factors affect the drivers` listening habits: (1) the voice of the anchor, (2) the richness of the program content, and (3) the quality of the music being played. Besides traffic information, taxi drivers also need or desire to listen to information about other aspects of daily life, than (1) news and weather, (2) entertainment, and (3) public affairs. Finally, one other factor affects the listening behavior of taxi drivers: whether or not there is more than one form of listening device inside the car. |
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