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    Title: 國民中學校長家長式領導層面、學校組織健康與教師組織公民行為關係之研究
    A Study of the Relationships among Paternalistic Leadership, Organizational Health, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Junior High Schools
    Authors: 薛承祐
    Shiue, Cheng-You
    Contributors: 秦夢群
    Chin, Meng-Chun
    Shiue, Cheng-You
    Keywords: 家長式領導層面
    paternalistic leadership
    organizational health
    organizational citizenship behavior
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-08 14:41:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討國民中學校長家長式領導層面、學校組織健康與教師組織公民行為關係。研究方法為文獻分析與問卷調查法。研究對象為我國國民中學教師,共發出923份問卷,回收率76%,有效樣本共702份。問卷回收後分別以信度分析、描述統計、皮爾森積差相關、集群分析、變異數分析、多元迴歸及結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。根據研究結果與分析歸納之研究結論如下:
    壹、 國民中學教師感受較少校長威權領導行為、中等程度仁慈領導行為、較多德行領導行為。
    貳、 國民中學學校組織健康程度尚佳。
    參、 國民中學教師組織公民行為程度良好。
    肆、 不同背景變項國民中學教師對校長家長式領導層面、學校組織健康及教師組織公民行為看法具顯著差異。
    伍、 威權領導與仁慈領導、德行領導、學校組織健康、教師組織公民行為間具有顯著負相關;仁慈領導、德行領導、學校組織健康、教師組織公民行為間則具有顯著正相關。
    陸、 國民中學校長家長式領導取向可區分為二種,且各取向在學校組織健康上具顯著差異。
    柒、 國民中學校長家長式領導層面可顯著預測學校組織健康程度。
    捌、 國民中學校長家長式領導層面及學校組織健康可顯著預測教師組織公民行為程度。
    玖、 家長式領導層面、學校組織健康與教師組織公民行為因果關係模式適配度尚佳,其中仁慈領導對學校組織健康之整體效果最高,學校組織健康則對教師組織公民行為之整體效果最高。
    壹、 對國民中學校長領導的建議
    貳、 對教育工作者的建議
    參、 對後續研究的建議
    This study is focused on investigating the relationship among paternalistic leadership, organizational health, and organizational citizenship behavior in public junior high schools. The research process includes literature review and questionnaire survey. The population of this study is the junior high school teachers across Taiwan. 923 questionnaires were distributed, and 76% of them about 702 questionnaires were returned. The data is analyzed through reliability analysis, descriptive statistic, Pearson product-moment correlation, cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, multipack regression and SEM.
    The findings of the study are as follows:
    1. Junior high school teachers show low level of perception in authoritarianism leadership, median level of perception in benevolence leadership , high level of perception in moral leadership, high level of perception in organizational health, and very high level of perception in organizational citizenship behavior.
    2. Junior high school teachers with different background show different opinions in paternalistic leadership, organizational health, and organizational citizenship behavior.
    3. Authoritarianism leadership has a negative correlation with benevolence leadership, moral leadership, organizational health, and organizational citizenship behavior; there is a positive correlation among benevolence leadership, moral leadership, organizational health, and organizational citizenship behavior.
    4. There are two approaches of paternalistic leadership, and they have different impact on organizational health.
    5. The paternalistic leadership can predict organizational health significantly; the paternalistic leadership together with organizational health can predict organizational citizenship behavior significantly.
    6. The structure relation among paternalistic leadership, organizational health, and organizational citizenship behavior is good.
    The suggestions of the study are as follows:
    1. The suggestions for junior high school principals.
    (1)Improving the benevolence leadership ability.
    (2) Improving the moral leadership ability.
    (3)Transforming the authoritarianism leadership.
    2. The suggestions for junior high school educators.
    (1)Raising the school integrity.
    (2)Principals should try their best to create a organizational climate
    with high level of consideration and initiating structure.
    (3) Principals should boost their influence on their supervisors, and
    provide teachers with sufficient resources.
    (4)Inspiring teacher’s moral in time, and boosting their identification
    with schools.
    3. The suggestions for further studies.
    This study advises some implications on research subjects, variables, and methods.
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