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Title: | 我國公務人員實務訓練改進之研究 On the improvement of practice training system in Taiwanese civil service |
Authors: | 洪雪芳 |
Contributors: | 江明修 洪雪芳 |
Keywords: | 公務人員 實務訓練 師徒制 civil servant practical system master and apprentice system |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 13:55:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國公務人員實務訓練制度,從1986年實施迄今已逾二十餘年,在公務人員保障暨培訓委員會成立之後,期間多次修改相關訓練規定,目的無非是希望本制度可以越做越好。本論文的研究目的即是為了瞭解我國公務人員實務訓練在2002年加入輔導員規定及2006年加入第一個月不具名的作法之後,對整個實務訓練的成效有何影響?如果未來加入師徒制,是否可行? 本研究訪談2002年到2008年曾受過實務訓練之中央與地方初任人員,及同時期曾擔任過輔導員之中央與地方基層主管,進行中央與地方訪談結果之分析,並參考國內與本研究相關之文獻。發現應從法制面、實務面及理論面加以改進實務訓練: 一、法制面:第一個月不具名之作法,雖然可以保護新人不會在初進入機關懵懂無知時,就具名負責,可是卻相對增加輔導員工作負擔,無法達到做中學的目的,而且以要點來規範不具名之規定,並不具任何法律效力。 二、實務面:實務訓練雖分為實習階段與試辦階段,在某些機關來說,那一階段根本不分,一律由新人自行承辦案件及核章,此規定對其並無拘束力。 三、理論面:輔導獎勵誘因不足,造成科室主管指派輔導員之困難,且產生輔導效果打折之情況。 另外,本論文的目的是分析中央與地方機關初任人員與基層主管對本訓練之看法及建議,研究結果發現: 一、初任人員因各機關實施作法不一,對於實務訓練第一個月 二、基層主管對於輔導獎勵抱持鼓勵大於懲罰之態度,主要原因為現行輔導員制度並未核發獎金,行政獎勵誘因太小,加上第一個月不具名之規定,使得輔導員責任相對加重,資深人員缺乏擔任輔導員之動機。 三、主管機關對於實務訓練掌握情況有限,只能以紙本審查來瞭解各機關表面上所做的實務訓練,實際上情形不得而知。雖然有心建構培訓我國文官之健全訓練制度,卻又無法對各機關形成拘束力,只能以法規規範或以勸說方式請各機關配合。 因此,從這些研究發現及分析結果可得到結論是我國現行實務訓練無法有效落實乃因相關配套措施不夠周全所致,建議從法制面、實務面及理論面三方面來做改進: 一、法制面:修改公務人員考試錄取人員訓練辦法及公務人員考試錄取人員實務訓練輔導要點,刪除與現行狀況名實不符之規定。 二、實務面:加入師徒制與認知師徒制之概念,並落實做中學的理念。 三、理論面:主管機關應深入研究先基礎訓練後實務訓練或先實務訓練後基礎訓練之相關配套措施及考試錄取人員權利義務之維護,並運用激勵理論改變組織氣候。 綜合上述建議,期有效建構我國文官完整實務訓練制度,俾利培訓傑出人才,厚植我國文官素質。 關鍵字:公務人員、實務訓練、師徒制 The practical training system of civil servant of our country has been implemented for over twenty years since 1986. After the establishment of the Civil Servant Protection & Training Committee, relevant training provisions were amended many times during this period. The purpose was nothing but to hope that this system could become better and better. The research purpose of this thesis is to understand after the addition of the instructor provision in 2002 and the addition in 2006 on the method of not affixing the name in the first month, what kind of effect is on the result of the practical training? If the master and apprentice system is added in the future, it is feasible? This research conducted interview on central and local newly appointed personnel who received training from 2002 to 2008 and central and local basic level in-charges who took up the post of instructor during the same period. Also this research carried out analysis on the central and local interview results and reference was made on literature relevant to this research and discovered that practical training should be improved from the legal system side, practical side and theoretical side. 1. Legal system side: although the method of not affixing the name in the first month will protect new employee from affixing name to bear responsibility when such employee entered the authority newly and was ignorant of everything, yet correspondingly this will increase the responsibility of the instructor and cannot reach the purpose of learning while working. In addition, the utilization of essentials to standardize the provision of affixing name does not have any legal effect. 2. Practical side: although the practical training is divided into the practical training stage and trial processing stage, yet to some authority, such stage has no difference at all and uniformly the newly employee will handle the case and will approve with seal on its own. Therefore there is no binding force for this provision. 3. Theoretical side: the tempting factor of instruction reward is insufficient resulting difficulty of assigning instructor by the section in-charge and thereby resulting in lowering the guidance effect. In addition, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the point of view on this training by the central and local authority newly appointed personnel and basic level in-charges. Suggestions and findings from the results of this research are: 1. As the implementation method of various authorities is different, the point of view on the provision of not affixing name during the first month of practical training by newly appointed personnel is different and not all authorities agree on this kind of provision. 2. In regard to the guidance reward, basic level in-charges hold the attitude that encouragement should be larger than punishment. The main reason is reward is not issued in the present instructor system and the tempting factor of administrative reward is too little. In addition, with the provision of not affixing the name in the first month, correspondingly the responsibility of the instructor is more and senior personnel is short of motive to take up the post of instructor. 3. In regard to practical training, condition that the competent authority can master is limited as it can only base on written document to examine and understand the practical training on the surface of various authorities and the actual condition is not known. Although there is intention to establish a sound training system to train civil servant of our country, yet the binding force on various authorities cannot be established. The central authority can only use laws and regulations to standardize or to use the persuasion method to ask various authorities to cooperate. Therefore, from these research findings and analysis result, the conclusion obtained is that the present practical training of our country cannot be brought into practice effectively and this is because relevant matching measures are not complete. It is suggested that improvement should be made based on the legal system side, practical side and theoretical side. 1. Legal system side: amend the Civil Servant Examination Recruited Personnel Training Method and Civil Servant Examination Recruited Personnel Practical Training Guidance Essentials and delete provision that cannot conform to the present condition both in name and practice. 2. Practical side: add in the master and apprenticeship system and the concept of perception on the master and apprenticeship system and bring the philosophy of learning while working into practice. 3. Theoretical side: competent authority should conduct in-depth research on relevant matching measures including basic training first and practical training afterwards or practical training first and basic training afterwards and the maintenance of the rights and obligations of the examination recruited personnel. In addition, motivation theory shall be employed to change the climate of the organization. Summarizing the above suggestions, it is hoped to establish a complete practical trainings system for civil servant of our country so as to facilitate cultivation of outstanding talents and to enrich the quality of civil servant of our country Key word: Civil servant, practical system, master and apprentice system |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921064 97 |
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