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Title: | 薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等訓練成績考核之研究 |
Authors: | 徐月玲 |
Contributors: | 詹中原 徐月玲 |
Keywords: | 薦升簡訓練 訓練成績考核 Training for Civil Servants with Junior Rank Seeking Promotion to Senior Rank Performance Evaluation |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 13:54:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 人力資源為國家最重要之資產,而政府部門之人力資源以考試方式進用後,為充實初任人員之廉能素養與政府施政品質,除施以必要之訓練外,在整個公務生涯中,尚需施以有計畫之培訓,以提高整體人力素質,增進行政效能,適時回應人民多元之需要與服務。 高階文官須經過中階文官之歷練,尤其以擔任科長職務極為優秀者,並參加薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等訓練成績及格,始有機會能晉升為簡任職務。因此,擔任簡任職務,往往成為公務人員職涯規劃的努力目標。 本研究係採取文獻研究法及次級資料分析法,以92年度至97年度受訓學員為研究範圍,並採Kirkpatrick的四層次評估模式進行本研究分析。 本研究發現,現行薦升簡訓練成績考核構面之生活管理成績、專題研討成績及案例書面寫作成績等3項,其中「案例書面寫作成績」分數為直接影響受訓學員訓練成績不及格之主要原因。研究結論並針對薦升簡訓練成績考核,分為訓練成績考核部分、課程設計部分及培訓制度部分等三部分提出研究建議。 Human resources are the important assets in nation. Due to offering the high quality services for people, the government has to transact various trainings to promote the honest and upright of officials are employed by exams passing and the quality of management by politics. The superior junior rank officials have the qualification for getting the senior rank promotion training. When they pass the training and will acquire qualification of senior rank. The senior rank is the highest ranks in our civil servants frame, and it is the goal for civil servants pursuing. The database of this study is the trainees of training for civil servants with junior rank seeking promotion to senior rank, then uses the literature analysis method and secondary analysis to extract the data for Kirkpatrick’s four levels model of evaluation which is the afterward procedure-performance evaluation. In this study, the performance evaluation factors of training for civil servants with junior rank seeking promotion to senior rank are live management, seminar and letter report. The result shows that letter report is the key performance evaluation factors, and offers the suggestions for performance evaluation, courses design and training and development system in the training for civil servants with junior rank seeking promotion to senior rank. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 95921076 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921076 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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