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Title: | 勞工保險老年給付一次給付與年金制之選擇 Labor Pension-the Choice between Lump Sum Payment and Annuity Payment |
Authors: | 劉志雄 Liu,Chih Hsiung |
Contributors: | 吳文傑 Wu,Wen Chieh 劉志雄 Liu,Chih Hsiung |
Keywords: | 勞工保險 國民年金 勞動基準法 勞工退休金條例 Labor insurance National Pension Labor Standards Act Labor Pension Act |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 13:51:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 82年台灣已邁入「高齡化」的社會型態,到了96年底時老年人口占人口比例達10.2%。另根據台閩地區2007年簡易生命表台灣男性平均餘命為75.46歲,女性為81.72歲,平均78.38歲,因應台灣進入高齡化及少子女化社會,如何讓勞工安享在60歲以後平均有18多年無工作收入的老年生活,已成為當前最重要問題。 為落實老年照護制度,增進勞工退休權益,陸續完成了勞工退休金條例、國民年金法及勞工保險條例修法之工作,其中將於98年1月1日實施勞工保險老年給付年金制,考量勞工保險已實施50多年,許多資深勞工已符合或將符合老年給付條件,且國人多具「入袋為安」之傳統觀念,在兼顧勞工權益及制度穩定之原則下,採現制一次給付與年金制併行方式,賦予現有被保險人於退職時選擇請領現制或新制之權利。 藉由本研究的撰寫,針對勞工保險老年給付選制行為三大變數,模擬試算出各種組合變數下的理性選擇建議,讓即將辦理退休的勞工能夠更明確更瞭解兩種給付的不同,並做正確的選擇,以確保退休生活品質。 本研究建議增加勞工保險老年給付選制及國民年金給付條件,做為將來修法的參考。 Abstract In 1993, Taiwan entered the state of aging society. By the end of 2007, the elderly population above the age of 65 years accounted for 10.2% of the total population. The 2007 life table of the Taiwan-Fukien Area gave the life expectancy of 75.46 years for males and 81.72 years for females, averaging 78.36 years for both sexes. How to assure the laborers to live happily in their old age for an average of 18 some more years after retirement without job and incomes in an aged and fewer-children society has become an important issue. To realize the care system for the elderly, and to improve the rights and interests of the laborers after retirement, work has been done to enact the Labor Pension Act and the National Pension Act, and amend the Labor Insurance Act. The Labor Insurance Old-Age Pension system will be implemented in January 2009. The Labor Insurance has been in operation for more than 50 years. Many elderly laborers are eligible to or about to be eligible to the old-age payment. In line with the traditional concept of “safer to have cash in pocket”, and taking in mind the rights and interests of the laborers and the stability of the system, the old-age pension system will have concurrently either the “one-time payment under the current system” and the “monthly pension” system in practice. The retirees will have the choice of either the current system or the new system. The present study uses three variables in the choice of the old-age pension system to simulate the ideal choice and make recommendations under various combinations of variables to help laborers about to retire correctly understand the pros and cons of the two different payment systems and thus to make correct choice, and to assure the quality of their retirement life. The study recommends that, for the future amendments of regulations, more alternative systems for choice for old-age payment and more conditions for the national pension system be made available.
Key words: Labor Insurance, National Pension, Labor Pension Act, Labor Standards Act |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 93921026 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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