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    Title: 選民投票行為與政黨輪替:台灣及墨西哥二000年總統選舉之比較
    Authors: 許勝懋
    Hsu, Shen Mao
    Contributors: 劉義周

    Hsu, Shen Mao
    Keywords: 政黨輪替
    party rotation
    party realignment
    candidate image
    feeling thermometers
    prospective economic voting
    the salience issue of change
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:22:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 民主政治運作過程中,當主政者無法滿足選民需求時,選民理所當然會以選票表達其自主性,找一個更符合其需求的政黨作為治理國家的代理人(總統)。政黨輪替就成為選民選擇最佳代理人的手段。政黨輪替的本身,就是一種權力交替與權力制衡,特別是在執政黨交不出政績的時候,政黨輪替就是一個民主的制裁機制,更是一個國家走向民主政治的重要指標。



    In the democratic operation process, when the director is unable meet the citizens need, the citizen would express their autonomy by votes. Looking for one (or political party) who could conform to the citizens demand takes the government (president) of this country. Party rotation is a democratic sanction mechanism. That is an important indicator for country achieving the democracy.

    There are some factors must be considered while establishing voting behavior models in the turnover elections. There mainly are the party identification or party preference, the candidate image, and policy orientation. My thesis finds that party realignment is the key variable for 2000 Mexican presidential election, but 2000 Taiwan presidential is not. Candidate image or candidate personality centers on competence, likeability, honesty, reliability, and understanding people’s needs. Candidate evaluation refers to an overall assessment of the candidates: it is measured by way of “feeling thermometers”. My study found that candidate image is an important factor in determining Mexican and Taiwan voters choosing the opposition party candidate for a new president. The results shows that the policy issues, including prospective economic voting and the salience issue of change influence people’s voting choices.
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