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    Title: 耕地三七五租約中地主產權保障之研究
    A Study on Property Right Protection of Landlords on the 37.5% Rent Reduction Contract
    Authors: 謝坤龍
    Shieh, Kuen-Long
    Contributors: 陳奉瑤
    Shieh, Kuen-Long
    Keywords: 三七五租約
    37.5%-rent-reduction Contract
    Property Right
    Special Sacrifice
    Regulatory Taking
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:18:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 以往探討三七五減租之議題,多為站在保障佃農的角度,於既存的制度當中研擬解決三七五租約之辦法;本研究則從地主財產權保障的角度出發,探討三七五租約對於地主財產權產生之限制,並根據研究分析之結果研擬終止耕地三七五租約之補償對策,盼政府正視三七五租約對地主財產權限制與損失補償之課題。
    37.5% rent reduction contracts limit landlords to exercise their usufruct over a long period of time. According to the Interpretations of Justice of the Constitutional Court, if lasting limitations on property rights were to the extent that the harm suffered has become a special sacrifice, the government has to compensation the property owners. This paper quotes the concept of regulatory taking to analyze 37.5% rent reduction contracts with the principles of diminution in fair market value, economically viable use, and investment-backed expectations. By case study, some 37.5% rent reduction contracts have become regulatory takings, which are like special sacrifices. As a result, the government has to place importance on the issue of 37.5% rent reduction contracts, and compensation the property owners who suffer special sacrifice.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0942570061
    Data Type: thesis
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