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    Title: 運用社會資本自組都市更新會實施更新之研究
    Authors: 李金桂
    Contributors: 賴宗裕
    Keywords: 社會資本
    Social Capital
    Urban Renewal Group
    Urban Renewal
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:14:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣地區由於經濟快速成長,都市化迅速,使得早期發展之舊市區逐漸呈現衰頹之景象,公共設施嚴重不足,環境品質低落,都市更新遂成為可以用來紓解舊市區土地使用、產業發展與居住環境課題之重要建設工具。臺北市早期發展之老舊住宅及屋齡在30年以上之四、五層樓以下之公寓住宅,因產權複雜所有權人眾多,整合曠日廢時又無利可圖,故開發商不願意介入,較可行的途徑是自組都市更新會辦理更新工作。至98年3月30日止,台北市政府協助自組更新團體共計25案,更新完成個案僅2件,且都為921災後重建案例,顯示都市更新會辦理更新仍有相當的困難度。



    With the rapid growth of economic and urbanization in Taiwan, the early developed old districts have declined gradually. Due to the lack of public facilities and low quality of environment, urban renewal has become an important constructive tool to alleviate the land use, industry development and living environment issues. Because of the complicated property rights, too many owners among the old houses and the 4-5 floor apartments which had been built thirty years ago, the developers reveal no incentive to intervene. The practicable method is to organize an urban renewal group to access the renewal work. The Taipei city government has assisted 25 urban renewal organizations before 30 Mar. 2009, but only two cases were completed. Both of them were the reconstruction cases of 921 earthquake. This result indicates the difficulties exist in the urban renewal cases processed by the urban renewal group.

    This thesis tries to explore the relation between social capital and urban renewal projects in terms of social network, social trust, and social norms. It makes a hypothesis that social network relation, social trust relation, and social norms in a group would affect people to participate the urban renewal project. Through the questionnaire and interview of directors of social renewal group to understand before and after the reconstruction, whether social network relation, trust relation and the design of regulation in a renewal group would effect the success of reconstruction work, also to understand the change of social capital during the renewal period. This thesis hopes to build " the promotion and regulation by urban renewal group" through the investigation and research of " urban renewal group" to provide some useful reference and recommendation for the public to promote urban renewal business integration. The conclusion and suggestions of this thesis are as follows:

    1.According to the result of interview and questionnaires in the assessment of execution of urban renewal group, it is found that social network influences the owners` willing to participate the urban renewal project. The more vigorous of the social network, the smoother the reconstruction work can be. The social trust relation of the renewal group founder would influence the owners` willing to participate the urban renewal. And the social trust relation of the general director and the directors would be the key persons of whether the urban renewal will be successfull or not in a urban renewal group. The trust relation helps to reduce the distance between the renewal group and the owners, cohere the renewal reconstruction co-awareness, reduce the transaction cost, and shorten renewal integration schedule. The regulation of the urban renewal group means the social norms, which stimulate the renewal unit members to give up the self-interest behavior, instead they act according to the renewal unit`s entire interest and overcome the difficult of collective action. Further, social norm advances the community to fulfill the target of renewal reconstruction gradually.

    2.Through the investigation and analysis, this thesis provides some suggestions as below:(1)Community should hold more activities or build up community website to reinforce the network relation and to cohere reconstruction co-awareness.(2)Renewal information should be transparent and the finance situation should be announced regularly to earn public trust.(3)Norms should be established as the rules to regulate the renewal members and render trust. Further, through operating and managing the well regulation system, the action power and efficiency of the whole urban renewal business can be reinforced and thus the co-interest of collective action can be achieved.

    Keywords:Social Capital, Urban Renewal Group, Urban Renewal
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094923022
    Data Type: thesis
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