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    題名: 全球生產網絡觀點下新竹工業區產業發展之研究
    作者: 黃昱中
    貢獻者: 白仁德
    關鍵詞: 全球生產網絡
    Hsin-chu industrial park
    Hsin-chu Science Park
    日期: 2006
    上傳時間: 2009-09-19 13:12:55 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 面對全球化浪潮的衝擊,外國直接投資(Foreign direct investment, FDI)對於國家經濟與區域發展所扮演的角色越來越重要,此些FDI跨國企業所採取全球生產網絡(Global production networks, GPNs)佈局的投資行為,影響國際間不同區域的產業發展與消長,同時也牽動著台灣地區的產業生態,特別是在中國崛起後對台商所產生磁吸效應的壓力下,如何吸引廠商植根或回流台灣,便成為相當重要的課題。
    另外,工業區內廠商在全球佈局的投資策略下則是將新竹工業區視為第二鏈(2nd tier)的生產與代工者,以圖像化(mapping)分析的方式(Henderson et al., 2002)發現工業區內廠商(如錸德集團)在價值的創造、增強與獲取上雖然比較低,但在全球與跨界的生產網絡中,其決策的權力卻具有極高的地位,而在地方鑲嵌上則與地區機構與同異業廠商建立一定程度的關係。
    Facing the globalization trend, foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in national economic and regional development. Global production networks (GPNs) of transnational corporations (TNCs) have influence over worldwide industry and the circumstances of Taiwan.
    Hsin-chu industrial park planned foreign zone at initial phase of development, and is now with the highest manufacture productivity than other industrial parks in Taiwan. Owing to its proximity to Hsin-chu Science Park, the industry cluster of Hsin-chu industrial park and their production networks shouldn’t be examined with traditional industrial parks. Therefore, this research based on the concept of FDI and GPNs to build a framework for analyzing firms’ changing, globalization decision making and the relocation behavior by using questionnaire and interview.
    Research results find that the foreign firms can follow up the firms who had left Hsin-chu industrial park, and those who stayed changed their operation type from labor-intensive in1980s to knowledge-intensive at nowadays.
    Besides, firms in Hsin-chu industrial park play key producers, OEM and ODM in global production networks (2nd tier). By mapping analysis, this research also finds that flag firms (ex: RITEK) have lower value added, enhancement and capture, but have higher power of decision in GPNs and cross-border production networks and embedded deeply in local.
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