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    Title: 閱讀策略教學對國中生英文閱讀能力之成效
    The Effects of Reading Strategies Instruction on Junior High School Students` Reading Comprehension in Taiwan
    Authors: 葉奕君
    Yeh, I-chun
    Contributors: 林啟一
    Lin, Chi-yee
    Yeh, I-chun
    Keywords: 閱讀策略
    Reading Strategies
    Reading Strategies Instruction
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:06:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的是在探討「明示閱讀策略教學」對於台灣國中生英文閱讀能力之效益,並研究此教學策略對國中生在閱讀測驗中不同題型的成效。此外,更深入研究國中生對閱讀策略的使用及對閱讀策略教學的回應。
    (一) 教授閱讀策略技巧有助於學生的閱讀理解。接受閱讀策略教學的實驗組學生於後測階段,在閱讀理解測驗的表現明顯優於未接受閱讀策略的控制組學生。
    (二) 閱讀策略教學有助於學生對各類型測驗題目(確認大意、文章細節、推論、猜測字意等)之掌握與理解。
    (三) 明示閱讀策略教學有助於增強學生對閱讀策略的觀念及用法。大部分受
    (四) 問卷結果顯示:大部分的實驗組學生對於「明示閱讀教學」在英語閱讀表現上的成效抱持肯定態度,尤其以利用瀏覽找特定資訊及略讀了解主旨為大多數學生認為是最實用的閱讀策略。

    This study explores the effects of the explicit instruction of reading strategies on EFL junior high school students’ reading comprehension. The study further investigates if there are significant effects of reading strategies on reading comprehension for students in different types of questions. It also examines the students’ use of reading strategies and their responses to the strategy instruction.
    The participants of this study were 76 eighth-grade students from two classes at a junior high school in Taoyuan. Class 802 was the experimental group, and Class 825 was the control group. A fifteen-week explicit strategies instruction with its focus on six strategies (making predictions, skimming for the main idea, scanning for important information, making inferences, guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words from context, and self-monitoring) was given to all the participants in the experimental group. These strategies were taught explicitly, with their emphasis on modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and application. The reading comprehension test of GEPT-elementary level was used as the pretest and posttest to measure the participants’ reading comprehension ability before and after the instruction. A questionnaire was conducted to investigate the use of reading strategies both in the pretest and posttest.
    The major findings of the study are summarized as follows.
    1. The strategies instruction was effective in promoting the participants’ reading comprehension. There is a significant difference in the reading performance between the experimental group and control group. When reading strategies are instructed to the experimental group, the group has the significant improvement in reading comprehension.

    2. The strategies instruction helped the participants better comprehend main idea questions, detail questions, inference questions, and word-guessing questions.
    3. The strategies instruction helped the participants build up knowledge and use the instructed strategies. Most of the participants did not have a clear idea of these strategies before the instruction, but they had learned to use these strategies and liked to use them after the instruction.
    4. Most of the subjects had a positive response toward the strategies instruction. The strategies regarded by the participants as the most practical ones were “scanning for important information” and “skimming for the main idea”.

    The study provides several pedagogical implications. First, EFL junior high school students should learn reading strategies to improve their reading comprehension, and EFL teachers should provide them with explicit strategies instruction in a systematic way from the first year. Second, the strategy instruction should be incorporated into regular English class to help strengthen students’ long-term strategy use. Third, EFL teachers should help students use flexibly both top-down and bottom-up models to achieve effective and efficient reading. Fourth, in assessing students’ reading comprehension, EFL teachers should strengthen students’ use of strategies in answering comprehension questions. Last but not least, EFL teachers should arouse students’ interest and motivate them in English reading through strategy instruction and attractive text resources.
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