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    Title: 台灣綜合高中學生字彙學習策略之研究
    An Exploratory Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies by Comprehensive High School Students in Taiwan
    Authors: 董佳雯
    Tung, Chia-wen
    Contributors: 廖昭文
    Liaw, Chao-wen
    Tung, Chia-wen
    Keywords: 綜合高中
    comprehensive high school
    vocabulary learning strategies
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:06:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討台灣綜合高中學生學習字彙時所運用的字彙學習策略,研究問題主要探討:學術學程及職業學程的學生在學習字彙時是否運用不同的字彙學習策略並找出其較常和較少使用之字彙學習策略,以及字彙學習高成就者和低成就者字彙學習策略之差異。藉此俾能提供英文老師幫助不同學程、成就的學生運用字彙學習策略,以期達到更佳的字彙學習成效。
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the vocabulary learning strategies used by comprehensive high school students in Taiwan. There were three questions focusing on the differences of use frequency of vocabulary learning strategies between academic-oriented and vocational-oriented students, the strategy use rank between these two groups of students, as well as the relation between vocabulary achievement and vocabulary learning strategy use frequency.
    A total of 648 students in Taipei City and Taipei County participated in the study. A vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire and a vocabulary achievement test were applied as instruments to obtain the data needed. Data from the students’ responses were computed and analyzed by means of independent-sample t-tests, descriptive statistics, and Spearman’s rank correlation.
    The findings of this study were summarized as follows.
    1.There was a significant difference in vocabulary learning strategy use frequency between academic-oriented students and vocational-oriented students. The former applied more determination strategies to discover the meaning of a new word, and more memory strategies to consolidate the words encountered.
    2.The ranking order of use frequency in vocabulary learning strategies by academic-oriented and vocational-oriented students was identical. In Part 1 (discovering the meaning of a new word), determination strategies were used most frequently, then followed by social strategies. In part 2 (consolidating the words encountered), cognitive strategies were used most frequently, followed by memory strategies, metacognitive strategies, and the last, social strategies.
    3.There was a significant difference between good learners and poor learners in vocabulary learning strategy use frequency. Good learners applied more vocabulary learning strategies than poor learners to know an English word’s meaning.
    Based on the above results, some pedagogical implications for English teachers were developed and suggestions for future research were provided at the end of the study.
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