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    Title: 音節覺識結合拼讀教學對七年級學生拼字能力成效之研究
    The Effects of Syllable-awareness Based Phonics on Spelling Multi-syllable Words for 7th Grade Junior High School Students
    Authors: 張陳平
    Chang, Chen Ping
    Contributors: 殷允美
    Yin, Yuen Mei
    Chang, Chen Ping
    Keywords: 國中拼字教學
    spelling instruction on junior high school students
    phonics instructions
    syllable awareness
    spelling multi-syllable words
    learning attitudes
    action research
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:06:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本行動研究旨在探討音節覺識(syllable awareness)與字母拼讀法(phonics)合併教學對台灣國中7年級生(國一學生)拼寫多音節字及英文學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測,作為正式研究的準備,其目的在測試音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及7年級生在運用此方法拼多音節字是否有困難等等,並根據初探結果修定正式實驗之規劃。第二階段的正式實驗,根據第一階段的結果改良拼字測驗生字、延長教學時間,並加入小測驗以期教學更能適切,以利評估該教學法對學生拼字能力及學習態度的影響。
    The purpose of this action research was to explore the effects of syllable-awareness based phonics instruction in Taiwanese 7th EFL graders on spelling multi-syllable words. The present study involved two stages: a one-group design pilot study and a formal study. The purpose of the pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of the syllable-awareness based phonics instruction designed by the researcher. According to the result of the pilot study, the formal research was modified in changing the multi-syllable test words, lengthening the instruction time, and the usage of a quiz. Moreover, in the formal study, two groups will be implemented with different instructions to explore the effects in spelling multi-syllable words and learning attitude.
    In the formal research, sixty-six 7th graders in two intact classes were chosen as potential subjects. After they filled out a background questionnaire, took three tests: a syllable counting test, a mono-syllable word spelling test, and a multi-syllable word spelling test, forty-four homogeneous subjects were selected. The researcher randomly assigned these 44 subjects into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, each comprised of 22 subjects. The experimental group received syllable-awareness based phonics instruction while the control group received phonics instruction only. All subjects were instructed for 11 weeks, two 15-minute classes per week (thirty minutes per week). After the instruction, the researcher carried out a multi-syllable spelling word posttest and a learning attitude questionnaire to estimate the effects of the instruction and their attitude changes.
    The result of the multi-syllable word spelling tests revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, the experimental group showed more positive attitude change than the control group toward vocabulary and English learning.
    The findings from this study indicate that syllable-awareness based phonics instruction can not only ease the anxiety of spelling multi-syllable words for 7th graders, but also reinforce a more positive attitude toward spelling vocabulary and learning English. According to the results, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are offered.
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