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Title: | 國小英語教師對於台灣現行國小英語教科書之評析 An evaluation of the current elementary english textbooks: Teachers’ perspectives |
Authors: | 劉珊汝 Liu, Shan Ju |
Contributors: | 林啟一 Lin, ChiYee 劉珊汝 Liu, Shan Ju |
Keywords: | 教科書 教科書評鑑 教科書選用 九年一貫課程 課本 習作 教師手冊 教具 學生英語程度 textbook textbook evaluation textbook selection Nine-year Integrated Curriculum students` textbook students` workbook teachers` manual teaching aids students’ English proficiency level |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 13:05:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 九年一貫課程實施以來,國小英語教育起初由五年級開始進行,許多國小英語教材陸續送審上市;三年後改由國小三年級開始實施正式英語教學後,各出版社無不積極改編、增編教科書以因應政策之改變,也因此,舉凡國內或進口之英語教材,版本相當繁多。
本研究旨在調查台灣現行國小英語教科書之使用現況、國小英語教師使用這些教材後的評鑑與建議以及國小英語教科書之選用情形。首先以問卷及訪談調查法針對全國國小英語教師進行研究,從而了解國小英語教師使用教材的意見;主要探討的為: (1) 國小英語教師對所使用之英語教材在整體方面、課本、習作、教師手冊以及輔助教具等五大部分進行評析;(2) 國小英語教師使用教材時之困難與建議;(3) 國小英語教科書之選用狀況。
師評選之會議。 Since 2001 when English education was introduced into elementary schools, all the publishers in Taiwan have been required to compile the appropriate textbooks for the elementary school students in a very short time. As a result, there are a great variety of teaching materials available on the market. Thus, textbook selection becomes crucial for elementary schools. In response to this situation, this study aims to survey teachers’ evaluation and selection of the elementary English textbooks by using questionnaires and conducting interviews.
The study focuses mainly on the following issues: (1) teachers’ evaluation of the elementary English textbooks, including students’ books, workbooks, teachers’ manuals and the teaching aids,(2) problems teachers encounter when using those textbooks, and (3) the selection of the textbooks.
The subjects are 239 elementary English teachers across Taiwan. In the survey, four versions of textbooks are observed, compared and evaluated by the respondents of the questionnaires. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows:
1. Among the four textbooks in use, there is no
significant difference between each version in
overall evaluation, except that the content of the
textbook published by Hanlin is superior to that
published by Kang Hsuan in terms of providing the
meaningful and realistic learning situation in
vocabulary learning and practices.
2. Most English teachers are dissatisfied with the
students’ workbook and teacher’s manual.
3. A great diversity of students’ English proficiency
levels is the greatest problem teachers encountered
when using all those textbooks.
4. The service and attitude of the publishers is seen
as the most important criterion for selecting the
5. In most schools, textbooks are selected mainly by
English teachers, but no checklists or criteria are
used in selecting the textbooks.
6. The common procedure of selecting the textbook is a
browse of the materials, an introduction seminar
held by the publishers, and then a meeting for the
decision of textbook selection. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班 93951012 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093951012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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