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    Title: 不同教學介入對幼兒知識表徵的影響-以幼兒科學問題解決歷程為例
    Authors: 丘嘉慧
    Chiu, Chia Hui
    Contributors: 柯華葳
    Chiu, Chia Hui
    Keywords: 幼兒科學學習
    science learning of young children
    the problem-solving of young children
    transfer of young children
    the level of knowledge representation
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 12:42:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的在探討不同年齡幼兒解決需同時考量兩個因素的科學問題及遷移的表現,並探討不同教學介入對幼兒解決科學問題表現及遷移表現的影響。本研究共分二個研究,使用「幼兒認知作業」,分別在研究一探討128位,研究二探討286位3至6歲幼兒的表現。研究結果顯示,幼兒的蒐集訊息、分析整理訊息與解決問題表現間有因果關係。年齡愈大的幼兒在各個歷程的表現愈好。若是作業內容與幼兒生活經驗相關,4歲幼兒在行為上可以表現出同時考量兩個因素解決問題。解決不同概念的問題,幼兒有不同的表現。6歲幼兒無法表現需同時考量兩個因素問題的遷移。幼兒在解決需同時考量兩個因素問題時,行為及語言知識表徵層次有六個層次(層次0至層次5)。各種教學介入對層次1幼兒沒有影響。當幼兒處於層次3時,教學介入有影響效果,透過語言的說明可以幫助此時的幼兒提升表徵層次,但這些教學介入效果不足以讓幼兒達到層次5,也無法影響至幼兒的遷移表現上。
    The purposes of this study were to investigate young children’s ability to resolve problems with two dimensions and transfer, and the influences of instructional interventions on resolving these problems and transferring. There were 128 and 286 3 to 6-year-old young children in study 1 and study 2 respectively. Young children’s cognitive task was used. Results revealed the processes of searching information and analyzing information were related to the problem-solving. 4-year-old children could resolve the problems with two dimensions, when the problems were familiar. There was domain-specific knowledge on problem-solving. 6-year-old children could not transfer two dimensions to new and similar conditions. There were 6 levels knowledge representations of resolving problems with two dimensions in this study. The instructional intervention of explaining improved the level of children with level 3 to level 4, but not to level 5. And there were not effects of instructional interventions on transferring.
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